What is chronic pancreatitis? Is it dangerous?

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Have this question, hope the doctor will answer it soon so that I can have a timely treatment. On March 10, 2020, I had a heavy upper abdomen. I went to the doctor twice. The first time I had a colonoscopy and the doctor gave me medicine to take but it didn't go away. Two weeks later, on March 10, 2020, I went back for an examination and had an ultrasound. The doctor diagnosed me with chronic pancreatitis. I'm very scared, hope the doctor explains. What is chronic pancreatitis? Is life in danger? How long can I live? Should I be hospitalized or not? Right now, my condition is still uncomfortable, a bit severe above.
Anonymous client question
Hi, thank you for submitting your question to the doctor.
Epigastric abdominal pain can have many causes. Gastritis and pancreatitis are also likely to cause pain in this area.
However, the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis, the doctor will rely on many factors. One of them is the image of the pancreas on a CT scan or an abdominal MRI.
If you have been correctly diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis, it is normal to have occasional exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis that cause abdominal pain and can affect your quality of life.
You should closely follow the doctor's instructions on diet, exercise activities to limit acute inflammation.
Wishing you a speedy recovery from abdominal pain and remember to follow what your doctor instructs you to do.
You can go to Vinmec Health System hospitals for more detailed advice.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
Master, Doctor Vu Van Quan - Department of General Surgery & Anesthesia - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
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