What is bone marrow fibrosis?

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Bone marrow fibrosis is one of the rare bone cancers. It can occur at any age and can cause serious health complications. Bone marrow fibrosis can be idiopathic (primary myelofibrosis) or due to another bone marrow disease (secondary myelofibrosis).

1. What is bone marrow fibrosis?

Myelofibrosis (MF) is a rare bone marrow cancer that belongs to the group of malignant myeloproliferative diseases (MPN). The disease occurs when bone cells produce too many blood cells to grow and function abnormally. Malignant myeloproliferative diseases include polycythemia vera (PV) and primary thrombocythemia (ET). According to statistics, about 10-15% of cases of bone marrow fibrosis are caused by two types of diseases PV and ET.
Characteristic of myelofibrosis is fibrotic scar tissue caused by gene mutations in stem cells that destroy the body's ability to produce normal blood cells, causing patients to become severely anemic, and the body to fail. weak, tired. Besides fibrosis in the bone marrow, extramedullary hematopoiesis in the spleen or liver causes visceral and liver hypertrophy (abnormal enlargement). Bone marrow fibrosis can be idiopathic (primary myelofibrosis) or due to another bone marrow disease (secondary myelofibrosis).

2. Symptoms of fibromyalgia

Both men and women are susceptible, and it's most common in people age 50 and older. However, anyone of any age can develop myelofibrosis. The main symptoms of myelofibrosis include:
Body fatigue, weakness, or shortness of breath Decreased red blood cells (anemia). Visceral hypertrophy causes pain and swelling under the left rib cage Enlarged liver (swelling of the liver) Pale skin, easy bruising or bleeding due to low platelet count Bleeding spots under the skin Sweating a lot at night High fever, susceptibility to infections due to low white blood cell count Bone and joint pain Uncontrolled weight loss Body itching Heart arrhythmias Bloating after eating If any of these signs and symptoms appear any of the above, you should immediately go to reputable clinics or hospitals for medical advice and examination. Early diagnosis and treatment will prevent the disease from worsening as well as find the right treatment for timely treatment.

Cơ thể mệt mỏi, suy nhược, hay thở ngắn là triệu chứng bệnh xơ hóa tủy xương
Cơ thể mệt mỏi, suy nhược, hay thở ngắn là triệu chứng bệnh xơ hóa tủy xương

3. Causes of bone marrow fibrosis

Currently, science has not found the exact cause of the disease. However, you can be aware of the symptoms and risk factors for this condition.
Here are some factors that increase the risk of myelofibrosis:
Long-term exposure to large amounts of benzene Frequent exposure to ionizing radiation A history of diagnosed ischemia or have post-operative myelofibrosis (polycythaemia myelofibrosis).

4. Complications of fibromyalgia

When myelofibrosis progresses further, it can cause some of the following complications:
4.1 Portal vein hypertension The portal vein is the vein that carries blood from the internal organs and then to the liver. When the amount of blood in the spleen increases, the blood pressure in the portal vein also increases. This can force excess blood into smaller veins into the stomach and esophagus, causing vein rupture and bleeding.
4.2 Extramedullary hematopoiesis The formation of blood cells outside the bone marrow that form a clot or tumor from blood cells in other areas of the body. These tumors can cause bleeding in the digestive system, coughing, spitting up blood, compression of the spinal cord, or convulsions.
4.3 Stiffness and Inflammation of Bone Tissue Fibrosis of the bone marrow can harden and inflame the connective tissues around the bones, causing severe pain and stiffness in the joints.
4.4 Rheumatoid arthritis When too much uric acid is produced, it builds up like a needle in the joints, leading to pain and inflammation in the joints.
4.5 Acute Leukemia Bone marrow fibrosis when left untreated can progress to acute leukemia - one of the blood and bone marrow cancers that progress very quickly.

5. Treatment of fibromyalgia

Bệnh có thể được điều trị bằng phương pháp hóa trị
Bệnh có thể được điều trị bằng phương pháp hóa trị
Depending on the condition and age of the person with myelofibrosis, the doctor will offer appropriate treatment options. Includes:
5.1 Chemotherapy Use of drugs that kill rapidly dividing cancer cells to treat myelofibrosis. These drugs can be taken orally or intravenously.
5.2 Radiation Therapy Using high-energy beams, such as X-rays, to kill cells. This method can reduce the size of the spleen in cases where the patient cannot perform surgical removal. In addition, this therapy is also used to treat osteoarthritis pain and when the tumor is outside the bone marrow.
5.3 Surgery to remove the spleen When the spleen is enlarged, it will cause dangerous complications. In case other treatments are not effective, you should perform surgery to remove the spleen. During surgery, the patient will be closely monitored for any other complications.
5.4 Stem cell transplant This is the only treatment that can cure myelofibrosis. However, it also carries many risks and is only used in suitable patients and depending on the availability of a marrow donor.

6. Methods to prevent bone marrow fibrosis

Bỏ thuốc lá để ngăn ngừa nguy cơ xơ hóa tủy xương
Bỏ thuốc lá để ngăn ngừa nguy cơ xơ hóa tủy xương
The following living habits can help you prevent the progression of myelofibrosis:
Actively participate in sports activities, practice yoga, exercise regularly. Don't just stay indoors, you can participate in outdoor fun activities or make a more flexible work schedule. Build a healthy diet with lots of green vegetables and fresh fruits Do not use stimulants such as beer, alcohol Quit smoking Should have regular checkups Early cancer screening is considered the "golden key" ” to detect early and provide prevention methods and effective cancer treatment regimens to reduce the risk of death and reduce costs for patients. Currently, Vinmec has been and is a leading medical facility in the field of detecting cancer-related diseases, the high-tech cancer screening package at Vinmec gives you the opportunity to screen and detect cancer. Timely warning of disease risks to optimize treatment efficiency and improve quality of life.
Any questions about cancer screening at Vinmec, please come directly to the hospital or contact HERE for answers.
Article referenced source: cancersupportcommunity.org
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