What is an exacerbation of chronic renal failure?

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Chronic kidney failure is a condition in which kidney function is irreversibly reduced over time, lasting for many months or years. Many people still confuse the two concepts of acute renal failure and acute exacerbation of chronic kidney failure. So what is acute renal failure?

1. What is chronic kidney disease?

Chronic kidney failure is a syndrome that progresses over a long period of time, leading to fibrosis of the nephrons and a gradual decrease in kidney functions such as elimination of metabolic products, acid-base balance, and maintenance of water balance. electrolytes and endocrine function.
Chronic kidney disease caused by abnormalities in kidney structure or function lasting for more than 3 months, affecting health because at this time the kidneys are no longer able to maintain good homeostasis, causing metabolic disturbances. reduce the excretion of urea, uric acid, creatinine...
Causes of chronic kidney failure can be diabetes, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, kidney disease due to infection or blockage ...

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2. Acute exacerbation of chronic kidney failure

Progressive chronic renal failure can last 5-10 years or longer depending on the case. Chronic kidney disease includes stages of kidney disease from the early stages when the glomerular filtration rate has not decreased, to the late stages of the disease when the patient needs alternative treatments.
During the course of the disease, there are often acute exacerbations, especially when there are aggravating factors. After each acute episode, chronic kidney failure often worsens. The more exacerbations, the faster the disease progresses, leading to end-stage chronic kidney failure.
Acute exacerbation of chronic kidney failure is a condition that occurs in a patient with a previous history of kidney - urinary disease, at which time kidney function is irreversibly damaged. Clinical symptoms of acute exacerbation of chronic renal failure include: anemia corresponding to the degree of renal failure, urea, plasma creatinine increased before, increased blood pressure, worsening heart failure, atrophy of the two kidneys if due to glomerulonephritis. chronic kidney.

3. Treatment of chronic kidney failure

There is no cure that can completely cure chronic kidney failure. However, treatment can help slow the progression of the disease, improve symptoms, and reduce the risk of complications. Treatment of the underlying cause of chronic kidney failure is paramount. Specifically:
Surgery to remove urinary tract stones to resolve blockage Surgery to remove compressed tumors Strictly control blood sugar and blood pressure with drugs and diet, exercise, lose weight, change living habits . The application of a reasonable diet helps maintain kidney function, prolongs dialysis time, helps limit exacerbations of chronic kidney failure, and contributes to improving the patient's quality of life, thereby slowing down the progression of the disease. progress to end-stage renal failure.
Patients are often recommended to have a salt-free diet when there are symptoms of edema, hypertension, heart failure, a reduced protein diet, and a restriction of phosphate-containing foods such as milk, cheese, calcium supplements, etc.
If the patient's kidney condition worsens, until less than 15% of normal kidney function remains, the patient has reached end-stage renal failure. At this point your body is no longer functional enough to filter out toxins and excess fluid, the only treatment is dialysis or a kidney transplant.

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Chronic renal failure, if not treated promptly, can cause many dangerous complications. You should actively monitor and treat the disease as soon as there are early symptoms. To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact the nationwide Vinmec Health System Hotline, or register online HERE.
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