What is a reasonable diet after brain tumor surgery?

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Patients after brain tumor surgery, depending on each person's condition and whether or not there are sequelae of the treatment process, always need a caregiver with them. In addition to adjusting daily living habits and activities to suit the post-operative care process, the patient should have an appropriate nutrition regimen.

1. Nutrition after brain tumor surgery

Patients after brain tumor surgery should have a nutritious diet including rich food sources such as beef, pork, eggs, vegetables and fruits. Patients should especially not abstain from eating meat, because the body after undergoing surgery needs to be supplemented with nutrients and protein to heal wounds. Adequate protein consumption can help accelerate wound healing and regeneration.

2. Food sources are beneficial for brain tumor patients.

Folic Acid. Folic acid is believed to have the ability to prevent and slow down the metastasis and spread of brain tumors. Therefore, adding foods rich in folic acid such as spinach, oranges, rice and beans or using folic acid supplements can be beneficial in the care of patients after brain tumor surgery. Foods containing antioxidants. Antioxidant-rich foods such as blueberries, strawberries, grapes, and apples have been shown to prevent cancer and reduce the recurrence rate of tumors such as brain tumors. Omega-3 . Omega-3 not only fights cancer by reducing tumor growth, but also strengthens the immune system in the body, speeds up recovery and prevents the risk of infections. other disease.

Omega-3 có tác dụng chống lại bệnh ung thư bằng cách giảm tốc độ tăng trưởng của khối u
Omega-3 có tác dụng chống lại bệnh ung thư bằng cách giảm tốc độ tăng trưởng của khối u

3. Some notes

Patients should absolutely avoid using stimulants and alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer. At the same time, excessive abstinence from any of the food groups is not necessary. On the contrary, adding and fortifying too much nutrition for the patient leading to sudden weight change is often not beneficial for the patient. A diet rich in green vegetables and fruits, moderate in meat, enhanced with protein from fish, is often beneficial to the health of the patient. At the same time, each day giving the patient a small piece of chocolate or taking an Omega-3 supplement can help improve memory.

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