What drugs cause stomach upset?

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Western medicine drugs, in addition to the main pharmacological effects, often cause unwanted side effects. Side effects of the drug often cause stomach pain, stomach ulcers.

1. Why can medication cause stomach pain?

Stomach pain can be caused by many diseases such as: Gastric ulcer, gastric perforation, bleeding, cancer,... The improper use of Western medicine is also the cause of increased risk of disease.
Not everyone who takes the same medicine gets an upset stomach. Side effects causing stomach pain of the drug also depend on many factors such as: Using the drug correctly, correctly prescribed by a doctor, having a history of stomach disease, using combination drugs, ...

2. The group of drugs with a high risk of causing stomach pain

Below are the groups of drugs that have a high probability of causing stomach pain and other stomach complications.
2.1.Group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs This group of drugs includes: Indomethacin, ibuprofen, diclofenac,... have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, especially effective with osteoarthritis.

Nhóm thuốc kháng viêm không steroid trị xương khớp có khả năng cao gây đau dạ dày
Nhóm thuốc kháng viêm không steroid trị xương khớp có khả năng cao gây đau dạ dày

If used regularly or used in large doses, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics can easily cause peptic ulcers. Patients experience vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, flatulence, abdominal distention, gastrointestinal bleeding, ...
Caused by drugs used orally in the stomach but poorly soluble in the acidic environment of the stomach. It accumulates in a cluster in the stomach, inhibits the protective mucous layer of the stomach lining, causes stomach acid to eat away, causing damage to the mucosal layer.
In addition, a number of other non-steroidal drugs such as: celecoxib, Celebrex, ... are often used in the treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, treatment of symptoms related to menstruation, and reduction of polyps in the colon. colon and rectum may accelerate the progression of peptic ulcer disease.
Betaserc drug specializing in the treatment of vestibular disorders can also cause side effects on the stomach and duodenum, especially people with a history of disease.
2.2. Corticosteroids Corticosteroids are a group of drugs that have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and immunosuppressive effects. Although there are many benefits to treating the disease, corticosteroids also cause many dangerous side effects. Corticosteroids increase the risk of stomach pain in patients with a combination of factors such as: eating a lot of hot and spicy foods, having a history of stomach pain, regularly drinking alcohol, prolonged stress, unhealthy diet, ...

Nhóm thuốc giảm đau corticode gây nhiều tác dụng nguy hiểm cho dạ dày
Nhóm thuốc giảm đau corticode gây nhiều tác dụng nguy hiểm cho dạ dày

Therefore, when using corticosteroids, you should be especially careful and notify your doctor if you have a history of disease.
In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to some other dangerous side effects of corticosteroids such as: Fat, sugar, electrolyte imbalance, protein metabolism disorder, osteoporosis, hyperglycemia, lipodystrophy, ...
2.3.A group of pain relievers and fever reducers (Aspirin) This group of drugs is also noted to have a high risk of causing stomach pain. Aspirin is used when patients have high fever, toothache, headache, rheumatism, ... has the effect of reducing fever, pain, anti-inflammatory, and reducing blood clotting.
The prolonged use of Aspirin, especially in high doses, is easy to cause stomach ulcers, more severe stomach bleeding.
Antipyretic analgesics containing Ibuprofen such as antidol, alaxan often used together with paracetamol are also used quite often, causing many gastrointestinal side effects such as: vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, stomach bleeding, diarrhea Intestinal bleeding, progressive stomach ulcer,...
Anti-inflammatory pain relievers containing diclofenac such as diclofenac, voltaren commonly used in the treatment of osteoarthritis, back pain, polyarthritis,... can also cause stomach ulcers duodenal ulcer if abused.
In addition, the drugs tenoxicam, piroxicam, meloxicam, indomethacin, ... often used in the treatment of diseases of bones, joints, nerves also have the risk of damaging the stomach and intestines.

Nhóm thuốc giảm đau hạ sốt Aspirin cũng có nguy cơ cao gây đau dạ dày
Nhóm thuốc giảm đau hạ sốt Aspirin cũng có nguy cơ cao gây đau dạ dày

3. What should be done to limit the harmful effects of drugs on the stomach?

Using drugs to treat diseases is indispensable Some effective solutions such as: using drugs to coat the stomach lining before taking drugs, preparing drugs that do not dissolve in the stomach but dissolve in the digestive tract, when to take them. optimal medicine,...
Some tips below will help patients using Western medicine to minimize side effects such as stomach pain.
Should take medicine exactly as recommended, usually take it at full time, after eating. Take the medicine with a glass of water from 200 to 250ml. Do not arbitrarily use or prolong the use of the drug. Take the medicine exactly as prescribed and directed by your doctor. If you experience discomfort or signs of stomach pain, tell your doctor. People with stomach disease should be careful when taking treatment drugs and combination drugs. Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online HERE.
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