Home Tag Stomach ulcers

Articles in Stomach ulcers

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What drugs cause stomach upset?
Western medicine drugs, in addition to the main pharmacological effects, often cause unwanted side effects. Side effects of drugs often cause stomach pain, stomach ulcers.
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What is the difference between Gastroesophageal Reflux and Barrett's esophagus?
Gastroesophageal reflux and Barrett's esophagus are diseases with the same etiology and pathogenesis. In fact, Barrett's esophagus is a complication of gastroesophageal reflux because it is not detected and treated in time.
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What is epigastric pain with black stools?
Epigastric pain and black stools are warning signs of many dangerous diseases. Therefore, patients need to be very careful with these symptoms, should go to the doctor for accurate diagnosis and timely treatment intervention.
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Why does gastroesophageal reflux disease recur?
Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a common disease with a high recurrence rate and difficult to treat thoroughly. This condition directly affects the health and quality of life of the patient.
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Stomach burning: Causes and solutions
Stomach burning is a condition that many people experience mainly due to causes such as eating foods that are difficult to digest, abusing antibiotics, being infected, ...
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Heartburn: Causes, symptoms and treatment
Heartburn is a typical symptom of many diseases of the digestive system. This condition causes the patient to have a burning sensation in the throat, chest and stomach, causing discomfort, distraction, loss of confidence in living and working.
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Excess stomach acid and things to know
Stomach acid plays an important role in digestive function. Stomach acid imbalance, specifically excess stomach acid can lead to many dangerous diseases such as stomach ulcers, stomach bleeding, ... if not detected and treated early.
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Should people with stomach pain take stomach pain relievers?
Many stomach pain patients abuse pain relievers to get rid of the pain quickly but can cause many unwanted consequences.
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