What do you know about Peter Pan syndrome?

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Peter Pan syndrome or Little Prince syndrome is a term in psychology. In particular, people with this syndrome are already adults in terms of age and appearance, but their psychology, perception and behavior are no different from children. This is a psychological syndrome that some people consider "dangerous for both love and society".

1. Causes of Peter Pan . Syndrome

Peter Pan syndrome is not a disease that can be diagnosed by clinical measures. It was only recently identified. Therefore, there are few studies investigating this phenomenon. Several factors can be considered to be the cause as follows:
- Overprotective: According to a leading psychologist, this syndrome can be the result of parents being overprotective of their children. level. Thus hindering children from developing, maturing and demonstrating life skills.
- Loneliness: Psychologist Humbelina Robles Ortega suggests that people with Peter Pan syndrome may have a fear of loneliness. Therefore, they will be constantly looking for people who can care for them. Often will be partners with a romantic connection.
- Mental health symptoms : Some studies suggest that people with Peter Pan syndrome may have personality disorders.
- The role of gender: Women are often assumed by society to be the one to take on family responsibilities, the one to please others. This will easily cause their man to neglect these duties and avoid growing up.
More and more adults are showing symptoms of this syndrome. Peter Pan syndrome can affect both sexes, but occurs more often in men.

Những ai mắc hội chứng Peter Pan có thể sẽ sợ cô đơn
Những ai mắc hội chứng Peter Pan có thể sẽ sợ cô đơn

2. Symptoms and signs of Peter Pan . syndrome

The most obvious manifestation of Peter Pan syndrome is the personality of the sufferer falling into a state of "not growing up". In addition, common symptoms of Peter Pan syndrome are:
- Excessive or aggressive emotions
- Anger to the point of indignation
- Happiness turns to extreme panic
- Irritability leads to self-injury Harm and depression
- Difficulty expressing feelings of love
- Feeling guilty all the time
- Difficulty relaxing
- Unreliable
- Cheating or cheating
When suffering from Peter Pan syndrome often will lead to consequences such as:
- People with this syndrome often have difficulty in building strong and cordial relationships with colleagues; As a result, they feel extremely alone.
- They are also not annoyed by the wrong things they have done, instead they blame others for their weakness.
- They tend to ignore the real problems related to their weakness, making it easy for them to use drugs and abuse alcohol to forget the obstacles in life.

Những người có hội chứng này thường gặp khó khăn trong việc xây dựng mối quan hệ bền chặt
Những người có hội chứng này thường gặp khó khăn trong việc xây dựng mối quan hệ bền chặt

3. Treatment of Peter Pan . Syndrome

Because Peter Pan syndrome is not yet recognized as a psychological disorder, there is no specific treatment. Temporary therapies such as:
- Outdoor therapy, psychotherapy.
- Cognitive behavioral therapy, strength-based therapy.
- Solution therapy, spiritual counseling, family therapy and other treatment modalities.
Although there is no cure for the disease, sufferers can only be treated when they personally demonstrate a willingness and awareness of their disorder.
The following lifestyles and home remedies can help prevent Peter Pan syndrome :
- Directly educate parents on any preventive ways to make them aware of proper parenting.
- Parent workshops should be held. Especially for teen parents so they know responsible parenting techniques.
Peter Pan syndrome is not a malignancy and is not life-threatening. But it greatly affects the lives of patients and their loved ones through both mental and physical activities. Early detection and treatment will partly help improve the current situation and prevent possible consequences.

Hội chứng này chưa được công nhận là một rối loạn tâm lý nên không có phương pháp điều trị cụ thể
Hội chứng này chưa được công nhận là một rối loạn tâm lý nên không có phương pháp điều trị cụ thể
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