Is insomnia a sign of depression?

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Doctor, tell me, I have a daughter this year 22 years old, she often has headaches and insomnia, some nights she only sleeps 2 to 4 hours, for about a week now she does not speak, If anyone asks anything, they will answer, lie down all day, wake up to cook at mealtimes. The doctor asked me if this was a sign of depression, I was so worried.
N.T.N (1979)
Hi, with the symptoms you describe, your daughter is likely to be depressed. Chronic insomnia not only seriously affects the health and quality of life of patients, but also has a close relationship with depression. To treat chronic insomnia, in addition to medication to relieve symptoms, doctors may recommend cognitive behavioral therapy. The patient will talk to a psychologist about his problems.
Therefore, in addition to being beside, encouraging, and directing your child to positive activities, you should take your child to see a psychologist as soon as possible.
You can also take your child to the Psychology clinic - Vinmec International General Hospital to be consulted by doctors for effective treatment methods. The clinic has the function of examining, consulting and outpatient treatment of psychological problems, mental health, emotional disorders, sleep disorders.
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