What do the symbols on the pill mean?

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On each pill, there are often different symbols, which can be content, dosage form or symbols on how to use the drug. So what do the symbols on the pill mean?

1. What is the symbol on the pill?

When there is one of the following symbols on the blister pack or pack: SR, LA, MR, RETART, LP, XL, CR, XR, SA, DA, ER, PA, CD, CR... it must not be broken. , crush when drinking, do not use if the medicine is cracked, do not take it many times a day, unless there are special instructions from the doctor. The symbols on this pill are pills that contain a high concentration of active ingredients that are slowly released, slow release, controlled release...
This is a modern dosage form. Designed in several layers so that the active substance is released slowly once it enters the body, the outermost layer will dissolve first, then the next layer, and so on to the center of the pill. In order to help patients avoid having to take medicine many times a day, the treatment dose is always guaranteed at an appropriate level. When taking the whole tablet into the body, the drug will release the active ingredient slowly over the course of 12 or 24 hours while still ensuring the therapeutic dose.
If crushed, chewed into small tablets, broken in half means that all active ingredients are released massively, taking effect once, creating high blood drug concentrations, exceeding the therapeutic threshold, or even reaching the threshold. poison. Doing so will be very dangerous and the body will suffer side effects or accidents that can even affect life.

2. Meaning of the symbols on the pill

In short, on the pill there will be many different symbols, if you do not understand the meaning and usage, it is best to consult a doctor to use the drug properly and effectively.

Ký hiệu Ý nghĩa Ví dụ
LA Long acting: Tác dụng kéo dài Adalat LA
Zok Zero order kinetic: Tự động Betaloc zok
SR Slow release (Phóng thích chậm) Clazic SR, Vastarel SR
XL Extra long (Kéo dài hơn) Xatral XL 10mg
CR Controlled release (Phóng thích có kiểm soát) Tegretol CR 200mg
MR Modified release (Phóng thích sửa đổi) Vastarel MR
Retard Chậm Nitrostad retard
LP Leberation prolonge: Giải phóng kéo dài Tylenol 8h
XR Extended release: Phóng thích kéo dài Augmentine XR , glucophage XR

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