What do eye color and eye shape say about your health?

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The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor I Nguyen Thi Bich Nhi - Ophthalmologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Eye color and eye shape of each person can hide many interesting things. The variety of eye colors also gives you a lot of health information, such as indicating your risk of certain diseases and how you respond to therapies or alcohol.

1. Eye Cancer

Statistically, people with blue, green or gray eye color have a higher risk of a particular eye cancer than brown-eyed people. This disease is also known as uveal melanoma. However, the overall risk of the disease remains low - only 2,500 people in the United States have it each year.

Người màu mắt xanh lam có nhiều nguy cơ một bệnh ung thư mắt
Người màu mắt xanh lam có nhiều nguy cơ một bệnh ung thư mắt

2. Reliability

Researchers found that people tend to trust partners with brown eyes more than others. However, the study also adds that facial features commonly found in people with brown eyes are more likely to give people a feeling of trustworthiness.

3. Blood sugar problems

Although, there is still no final conclusion, but a European study conducted in 2011 showed that the combination of blue eyes and white skin puts you at a higher risk of type 1 diabetes.

Người da trắng kết hợp mắt xanh có nguy cơ mắc bệnh tiểu đường loại 1 cao
Người da trắng kết hợp mắt xanh có nguy cơ mắc bệnh tiểu đường loại 1 cao

4. Deaf

Studies show that in noisy environments, people with brown eyes are less likely to have hearing loss than people with blue eyes. Science believes that this is because brown-eyed people have more melanin in their eyes and ears. This is the pigment that gives color to your skin, hair, and eyes. The substance also gives you a little more protection as noise levels rise.

5. Alcohol addiction

According to a 2015 study, people with blue eyes are not only more likely to drink alcohol, but are also more likely to become addicted to alcohol. Several genetic links and other factors are thought to be involved in this conclusion.

Người màu mắt xanh lam có nguy cơ bị nghiện rượu cao
Người màu mắt xanh lam có nguy cơ bị nghiện rượu cao

6. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition when tissue that used to grow inside the uterus grows outside. When these tissues invade organs such as the bladder and intestines, it is called deep infiltrative endometriosis. Women with this syndrome often have blue eyes. Experts believe that the gene that controls eye color may be linked to the gene that causes deep infiltrative endometriosis.

7. Response to therapy

Your eye color can play a role in determining which therapy is best for you. The shape of your dark circles suggests that you will respond better if treated with a rigid, rigorous framework. Meanwhile, people with clear eyes are more likely to respond to a treatment program that changes at their own pace.

8. Different pupil dilation

One in five people has a smaller pupil size than the rest. But sometimes, an abnormal pupil size can be a sign of a health problem, such as a nervous system problem, stroke, or infection.

Mắt bị giãn đồng tử
Mắt bị giãn đồng tử

9. Albinism

Albinism causes you to lose your skin color and form spots. If you have blue eyes, you are less likely to have this condition. Experts say it may be because certain genes that give the eyes their blue color also reduce the risk of the condition.

10. Cataracts

An Australian study found this blindness was more likely to occur in people with dark brown eyes. Researchers believe that dark eyes double the risk of cataracts.

Đục thủy tinh thể
Đục thủy tinh thể

11. Smart

Ongoing studies have found that resting pupil size can be an indicator of intelligence. Larger pupils tend to connect to a well-functioning brain.

12. Multicolored eyes

Some people have a blue patch in their eyes that is originally brown. This could be a symptom of Waardenburg syndrome. This rare genetic disorder causes you to lose pigment in your hair, skin, and eyes. The disease can also cause deafness and distinctive facial features, such as the shape of the wide eyes and wide bridge of the nose.

Hình ảnh bệnh nhân mắc hội chứng Waardenburg
Hình ảnh bệnh nhân mắc hội chứng Waardenburg

13. Sports skills

When doing reactive moves, such as boxing, batting, soccer defense - people with brown eyes are more likely to outperform. But if you're doing a controlling action from start to finish - such as bowling, golfing, or pitching a baseball - the person with blue eyes will prevail.

14. Endure pain

Research on women in labor has helped scientists find out how your eye color can tell how much pain you're experiencing. Specifically, women with darker eyes tended to show more pain during labor. They also wake up to pain more often, feel more pain at rest and when moving, and are more likely to become depressed because of their pain.

15. Macular Degeneration

An Australian study found that people with light-colored eyes were twice as likely to develop age-related macular degeneration. This is because their iris absorbs less UV light, so more light can pass through the retina and cause damage, which can cause vision loss.

Thoái hóa điểm vàng
Thoái hóa điểm vàng
Eye color and shape of eyes can reflect your psychology and state of health. However, in order to know the exact medical condition, the patient needs to go to medical facilities for periodic health check-ups and treatment advice when necessary.
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Reference source: webmd.com
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