What do children eat to reduce night sweats?

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Some nutritious foods according to the concept of Eastern medicine can make the situation of night sweats in children reduce. The dishes to reduce sweat theft that the mother can prepare for the baby is to cook porridge with pig's heart, seafood and add green beans, black beans, shallot roots, mulberry leaves... to enhance the effect.

1. What is the child's condition or being sweaty?

It's normal for babies to sweat at night if the bedroom is too hot, or the parent swaddles the baby too tightly or puts on heavy clothing. It is quite common for children to sweat through the night, even when the rest of the body is not sweating.
Even so, in cases where the child sweats abnormally at night, the possibility that the room is too hot has been ruled out, a condition known as night sweats. They are small and usually harmless, but sometimes they can be a sign of an underlying problem. If your child's night sweats are caused by a medical condition, he or she may have other noticeable symptoms.
Some of the underlying conditions that can make your child more prone to night sweats include:
Your child has nightmares Very intense nightmares that occur while the child is in deep sleep. Although the fear is very real, children often don't remember dreams when they wake up to tell their parents.
Children who dream of nightmares will sweat a lot, also kick around in bed and may even cry or scream. Other signs include sitting up, irritability, or labored breathing.
Sleep Apnea Syndrome Children with night sweats during sleep can be one of the symptoms of sleep apnea syndrome.
Children with sleep apnea will have symptoms of snoring, wheezing, tired breathing, apnea and then rapid breathing, when waking up always feeling not enough sleep, often have headaches. Young children may gain less weight and grow slower than their peers. Because children don't sleep properly, this can lead to behavior problems or poor academic performance.
Idiopathic Hyperhidrosis This is an unexplained sweating condition that causes children and adults to sweat excessively even for no apparent reason. Usually, idiopathic hyperhidrosis causes excessive sweating in areas where sweat glands are less distributed, such as the face, feet, and hands.
Adults and children with frequent night sweats without a medical diagnosis can be concluded to have idiopathic hyperhidrosis. Medically, this condition does not affect the health of the child at all. However, when sweating is too much, the patient may feel anxious and difficult to function, especially in social situations.
Leukemia or cancer One of the most serious causes of night sweats in children is leukemia or some other type of cancer. In one survey, more than 30% of patients diagnosed with leukemia experienced severe night sweats.
The difference with normal night sweats is that the child may wake up drenched in sweat and unable to cool down. A child's pajamas or bed sheet can become so completely soaked that the child cannot continue to sleep. Some older children may describe waking up as like being in a pool or sauna.
In addition, other symptoms to watch out for if your child has severe night sweats to actively look for the cause are: Fever, cough, diarrhea, weight loss, flu-like symptoms, eating loss of appetite, fatigue, nosebleeds, bone pain.

Cho trẻ ăn gì để hết mồ hôi trộm là thắc mắc của nhiều bậc cha mẹ
Cho trẻ ăn gì để hết mồ hôi trộm là thắc mắc của nhiều bậc cha mẹ

2. How to treat night sweats in children

Night sweats in children may not require any treatment at all. Because occasional and even frequent sweating during sleep is normal for many children, especially boys.
The simplest thing to treat night sweats in children that parents can do first is to choose pajamas and bed sheets that are more breathable, lighter, prefer ones with good moisture-wicking fabrics and Keep room temperature cool at night. Place a cool pack under the pillow to keep the head and neck area cool. In addition, try to let your child avoid exercise or vigorous exercise, playing too close to bedtime.
If your child has an underlying health problem such as a cold or flu infection, the condition will likely go away once the child is immune enough to overcome the acute illness.
In addition, treatment and stabilization for other health conditions such as asthma and allergies can help control night sweats in some young children.
On the other hand, if the child's condition often lasts a long time without improving with the above measures, parents need to take the child to a pediatrician for examination and testing to check the sweating status. theft in children, excluding other diseases that can be acquired.

3. What to feed children to stop stealing sweat?

Although sweating is usually a physiological response to help stabilize body temperature, if a child is prone to prolonged or severe night sweats, it can affect the quality of their sleep, keeping them awake. sleep, crying, and worried parents. Therefore, what to feed children to stop sweating is a concern of many parents.
According to Oriental medicine, night sweats in children or even adults occur during sleep is called khan. The root of the khandha belongs to the yin qi. Therefore, the cure is the need to send fire to nourish the blood as the foundation.
Thus, there are some nutritious dishes according to the concept of Eastern medicine that mothers can make their babies eat to stop their sweat, which is to cook porridge with protein such as pork heart, seafood, can add green beans, black beans, chives roots, mulberry leaves... to enhance the effect. The number of ingredients is not too much, cooking porridge for children only needs a small amount, just enough for a bowl with a handful of plain or sticky rice. Bring water to a boil, put in a pot of chopped or minced ingredients, then reduce heat until the porridge is soft and smooth. When the child is hungry, scoop out the bowl, season to taste and feed the child. Give your child one meal a day, alternating with other foods. Change the ingredients to cook porridge every day, after 4-5 days, it can be seen that the situation of night sweats in children improves.
Besides cooking porridge, the ingredients of green beans and black beans that can be cooked with tea for children are equally effective, providing nutrients for children and a delicious dessert for the whole family. family.
In most cases, your child will not need treatment for night sweats. However, when the child's condition often lasts for a long time without improving with the above measures, parents need to take the child to a pediatrician for examination and testing to check and rule out pathologies. other may have.
Besides, parents also need to add necessary micronutrients such as zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C),... to help their baby improve Improve your taste, eat well, reach the right height and weight, and exceed the standard, have a good immune system, strengthen your resistance to get sick less often and have less digestive problems.
Reference sources: healthline.com, webmd.com, oliveandcrate.com
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