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Articles in Sweat

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Is Excessive Sweating on a Baby's Head a Cause for Concern?
Excessive sweating on a baby's head is a common occurrence, especially in newborns. In most cases, this is normal. However, it can also be a sign of an underlying health issue that parents should be aware of.
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Understanding Hand and Foot Sweating in Newborns: Causes and Solutions
Sweating on the hands and feet is a common occurrence in newborns, often due to an underdeveloped nervous system regulating sweat or deficiencies in essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, or zinc.
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Is it advisable to shower immediately after exercising?
Sweating during exercise is essential for maintaining hygiene, and gentle water massage can help prevent lactic acid from becoming trapped in sore muscles. However, showering immediately after a workout is not an instant solution for recovery.
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10 Causes of Night Sweats in Men
Frequent night sweats in adults can be a sign of serious medical conditions. See your doctor to rule out the cause and get timely treatment.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics