What do blood alcohol test results mean?

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When talking about measuring alcohol concentration, people often think of a device that measures alcohol concentration using a blower. However, measuring blood alcohol concentration is more accurate than breathing. So when is it done and what does the blood alcohol test result mean?

1. What is a blood alcohol test?

Blood alcohol test is done to measure the level of alcohol in the blood. Most people are familiar with the blowpipe alcohol test used by traffic police to quickly test people suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol. Although measuring alcohol through a blower gives quick results, it is not as accurate as measuring blood alcohol levels.
Alcohol, also known as ethanol, is the main ingredient of alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine. When you drink these drinks, the alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream and travels to the liver to be processed. The liver can process about one drink per hour with the definition of a glass being about 340 ml of beer, 140 ml of wine or 43 ml of whiskey.

If you drink faster than you can process alcohol, you will feel drunk faster aka alcohol poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning include behavioral changes and impaired judgment. The effects of alcohol vary from person to person when the same amount of alcohol is consumed, depending on various factors such as age, weight, gender and how much food was eaten before drinking.

Ethanol là thành phần chính trong rượu bia
Ethanol là thành phần chính trong rượu bia

2. What is a blood alcohol test used for?

A blood alcohol test may be used if you:
Have been drinking and driving. Each country will have different allowable alcohol levels. In the United States, 0.08% blood alcohol level is the legal alcohol limit for drivers 21 years of age or older. Drivers under the age of 21 are not allowed to drink alcohol while driving. Drinking alcohol in a treatment program aimed at prohibiting alcohol consumption. Alcohol poisoning is a life-threatening condition that occurs when blood alcohol levels are very high. Alcohol poisoning can seriously affect basic body functions, including breathing, heart rate, and temperature. Teens and young adults are at high risk for binge drinking, which can lead to alcohol poisoning. Binge drinking is drinking that raises blood alcohol levels for a short period of time. Although it varies from person to person, binge drinking is generally defined as four drinks for women and five drinks for men and drinking over a two-hour period. Young children can get alcohol poisoning from drinking alcohol-containing household products, such as mouthwash, hand sanitizer, and some cold medicines.

Xét nghiệm nồng độ cồn trong máu
Xét nghiệm nồng độ cồn trong máu

3. Why do you need a blood alcohol test?

You may need a blood alcohol test if the police suspect you have been drinking and/or have symptoms of alcohol poisoning while driving. Symptoms of alcohol poisoning include:
Difficulty with body balance and coordination Slurred speech Slow reflexes Nausea and vomiting Mood changes Reduced judgment Confusion Irregular breathing Convulsions Temperature low body

Buồn nôn và nôn là triệu chứng ngộ độc rượu bia
Buồn nôn và nôn là triệu chứng ngộ độc rượu bia

4. What do the results of a blood alcohol test mean?

Blood alcohol results can be read in different ways, can be read as a percentage of blood alcohol concentration or mg/ml. Example:
Sober: 0.0% BAC Drunk without punishment: 0.08% BAC Loss of control: 0.08 to 0.40% BAC. At this alcohol level, you may have difficulty walking and speaking. Other symptoms include confusion, nausea, and drowsiness. Risk of serious complications: Over 0.40% BAC. At this blood alcohol level, you could be at risk of a coma or death. How long this test takes can affect how accurate the results are. A blood alcohol test is only accurate for 6 to 12 hours after the last drink.

5. How much will you be penalized for drinking?

According to the Law on Prevention and Control of Harms of Alcohol and Beer (Law No. 44/2019/QH14) and Decree No. 100/2019/ND-CP have just been issued, from January 1, 2020, Vietnam will completely prohibit the act of operating means of transport (including cars, motorbikes, electric bicycles...) when there is alcohol concentration in the breath or blood. Specifically, the alcohol concentration level and the alcohol concentration penalty are as follows:
What do blood alcohol test results mean?
The article references the source: webmd.com, medlineplus.gov
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