What causes children to be constipated?

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Constipation is a temporary disorder or a symptom of many different medical conditions. Constipation in children under 1 year old makes it difficult for children to have a bowel movement, even causing fear of bowel movements and may cause physical retardation for children.

Video content is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Nam Phong - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital

There are 2 main causes of constipation in babies: Physical diseases and functional constipation:
For physical diseases: Constipation in children is a symptom of other diseases such as congenital megacolon. Birth, intestinal obstruction, systemic diseases such as hypothyroidism or sacrococcal plexus disorders also cause constipation. The proportion of children with constipation due to physical causes is very small, accounting for only 5-10% Functional constipation: Most children have constipation due to this cause, related to 2 functions of the digestive tract: Function: ability to excrete faeces at the end of the intestine and reabsorb water at the end of the intestine. A baby with constipation can be acute (short-term constipation) or a baby with constipation that lasts for weeks to months is considered chronic. Acute constipation rarely causes complications, however, if children have chronic constipation, it will cause many consequences such as: Anorexia, growth retardation or local lesions of the gastrointestinal tract such as: Cracking. anal interstitium, inflammation around the anus, more severe may have fecal incontinence, incontinence, then, the child will be teased and embarrassed by friends, if prolonged, it will affect the psychology of the child with apple constipation and psychological disorders later.
Children with constipation means a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements, accompanied by pain and difficulty in passing, which is caused by large and hard stools. If the cause of the child's constipation is determined to be physical, then it is imperative to treat the physical disease to solve the problem of constipation. If the cause is functional, if it is at a new level (acute), parents should adjust the child's diet and exercise. If you have chronic constipation, then you must apply the specific stages of treating a baby with constipation:
First stage: Enema to clear the digestive tract for the baby with constipation. Stage 2: Combine laxatives so that the child does not become constipated again. Stage 3: Improve, combine exercise and nutrition for children with constipation. In summary, when a child has constipation, the best measure is that parents should take the child to see a pediatric gastroenterologist so as not to miss other diseases, helping to treat the disease earlier and more effectively. In addition, parents should pay attention to nutrition to improve resistance for children. At the same time, add supporting foods containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins,... snacks and less digestive problems.
Parents can learn more:
Why do you need to supplement Lysine for your baby?
The role of zinc - Guidelines for reasonable zinc supplementation
Please visit the website Vinmec.com regularly and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
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