What are the signs of transient chest pain?

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Hello doctor. Lately, I've had occasional bouts of chest pain. I want to breathe, I have to take a deep breath to breathe, every time I do heavy work or exercise, I have a short breath, my blood pressure is more than 130. The doctor asked me if I was sick. I hope you can give me some advice, thanks.
Nguyen Thi Yen Nhi (1994)
Hello friend,
With your symptoms described, we need some more information: when did your shortness of breath and chest tightness appear (at rest? resting, spontaneous, or occurring with exertion). Your shortness of breath (shortness of breath) during exercise is a symptom that needs to be examined and consulted. One of the most common diseases is heart failure. However, with the symptoms you describe, it is not possible to quickly conclude whether you have heart failure or not.
The advice that we give you at this time is to arrange a time so that you can have an early examination and consultation about the above symptoms. Hope you don't have any major heart health problems. Thank you!
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
Answered by Doctor Le Duc Hiep - Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Intervention Doctor - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
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