What are the signs of sudden heart attacks?

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Hello doctor, the doctor let me ask, 3 days ago I had a heart attack on the left side of my chest, in episodes, it hurt more when I took a deep breath. The pain usually appears for a few minutes and then goes away, no more pain, it doesn't hurt to take a deep breath, but from time to time this kind of pain appears. The pain appeared more and more. Doctor, what's wrong with me? Please advise, thank you very much.
Ngo Bui Tan Phat (2001)
Hello Tan Phat. The doctor needs some more information and examines you before making a diagnosis, you should see a cardiologist.
Thank you for asking questions to Vinmec.com website. Best regards.
BSCK II Ho Viet Le Diem - General Internal Medicine - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
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