What are the signs of frequent left chest pain?

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Hello doctor, I am 32 years old this year or my left chest pain is sharp on my heart, the pain lasts 2 hours, but it hurts twice a day for more than 1 month now, I want to ask What is my medical condition, thank you doctor!
Nguyen Thai Bao (1988)
Hello doctor. I have chest pain, constant pain on the left side, tell me what disease I have? Thank you doctor.
Anonymous question
Hello doctor. I have pain in my left chest, is it dangerous, thank you doctor.
Pham Thi My Duyen ( 1966 )
Hi, left chest pain can be caused by heart disease and non-cardiac disease. Evaluation should be exploratory and combined with other laboratory tests. If the doctor has examined and prescribed medicine, but after taking the prescribed medicine, you still do not feel better, you should return to the doctor for re-evaluation; In case you have not been examined, you should see a cardiologist to rule out cardiovascular disease first!
Doctor Ho Viet Le Diem - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
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