Weaning menu for 1 year old baby

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Weaning menu for 1 year old baby has a very important role in physical and intellectual development. Therefore, parents need to find out clearly to be able to build a nutritious and reasonable 1-year-old weaning menu to help children develop comprehensively.

1. The development process of children at 1 year old

Children at the age of 1 have developed quite a lot of skills. Children may respond with interest to stories told by their mother or siblings, some may stand up and begin to practice clinging to walls or similar objects to be able to fumble around in the house. . Children at 1 year old will have an average weight of about 10 to 12 kg for boys and 9 to 12 kg for girls.
At this stage, children also begin to learn and explore the world around them. At the same time, children's grasping, grasping and looking skills are also developing very clearly.
Weaning menu for 1 year old baby will also make the child feel more excited every day. Therefore, parents should regularly refer to the menus for children at this age to diversify meals as well as attract children to make the best meal.

2. Recommended nutrition for 1-year-old children

For 1-year-old children, in daily meals, it is necessary to ensure enough 4 food groups such as:
Porridge can use broken rice or pasty rice. Children at this age should be given solid foods so that they can develop the ability to chew their jaws and teeth. Children should be given a variety of fruits, yogurt and some solid foods. Soft foods such as shrimp and chicken can be left in small pieces for children to easily chew. Fresh milk or products made from milk such as yogurt, cheese... are essential for the development of children at this stage.

Thực đơn ăn dặm cho bé 1 tuổi sẽ khiến cho trẻ cảm thấy thích thú hơn mỗi ngày
Thực đơn ăn dặm cho bé 1 tuổi sẽ khiến cho trẻ cảm thấy thích thú hơn mỗi ngày

3. Composition of nutrients for a 1-year-old child's meal

The recommended nutritional needs of children at 1 year of age start to increase higher than in the previous period. At this time, children need to provide enough micronutrients to meet important intellectual and physical development, provide enough energy for children's activities in a day.
Parents should choose foods to prepare a 1-year-old baby's weaning menu, including 4 nutritional groups:
Nutrient groups that provide carbohydrates or carbohydrates include foods such as cereals, potatoes, and tubers. Noodles... help provide energy and necessary fiber for children. Fat groups of nutrients include cooking oil, animal fat, butter, cheese... help provide energy in the most concentrated form. . Fat helps the baby's body to have good skin, and at the same time helps to absorb fat-soluble vitamins well, develop brain cells and the nervous system The nutrient group that provides protein includes meat, fish, eggs, shrimp, crab, eels, frogs ... to help build the body and synthesize antibodies to protect the body The group of nutrients that provide vitamins and minerals includes rich foods such as green vegetables, ripe fruits... to help regulate activities of the child's body, especially rich in anti-constipation fiber. The amount of food when planning a menu for a 1-year-old child commonly used includes: 100 to 150 grams of starch (rice); 100 to 200 grams of meat or fish, shrimp; 50 to 100 grams of green vegetables; 150 to 200 grams of ripe fruit; 20 to 30 grams of grease; 600 to 800 ml of milk per day, either breast milk or formula according to the recommended intake.
Depending on the needs of the child can change the amount of food to increase or decrease. However, parents should not force children to eat too much just because they want the child to gain weight while the child is full and shows signs of not wanting to eat anymore.
The number of meals used for a 1-year-old child can be made 3 main meals per day and snacks depending on the needs of each child. But in addition to the main meals of breakfast, lunch and dinner, parents should divide the snacks according to the time frame such as 9 am, 2 pm, 4 pm or 9 pm.
Maybe building a weaning menu for a 12-month-old baby or a reasonable and scientific eating plan will make it difficult for parents. However, parents should also be patient because otherwise the child may experience some conditions that affect health as well as development such as rickets, malnutrition ... and these all affect affect children's intellectual and physical development in the future.

Xây dựng kế hoạch và thực đơn ăn dặm cho bé 1 tuổi hợp lý là vấn đề nhiều phụ huynh quan tâm
Xây dựng kế hoạch và thực đơn ăn dặm cho bé 1 tuổi hợp lý là vấn đề nhiều phụ huynh quan tâm

4. Suggest some weaning menus for 1 year old baby

Frog porridge: Food ingredients include frogs, glutinous rice, plain rice, spices, vegetable dashi juice, carrots, red onions, fresh onions, coriander... To make this dish, parents need to be careful. Prepare the ingredients, then dice the carrots, add dashi and rice to the pot and cook until porridge. Frogs, after being washed, will be cut into bite-sized pieces and marinated with seasoning seeds for about 20 minutes. Purple onions are sautéed and fried with frogs until cooked. Ladle the porridge into a bowl and top the frog meat with fresh onions and coriander. Lotus seed porridge: Food ingredients include 20 grams of rice flour, 20 grams of lotus seeds, 20 grams of pork, a spoon of cooking oil, and 250 ml of water. Lotus seeds will be soaked, washed and boiled, then pureed. Pork is also minced. Put lotus seeds and 250 ml of water in a pot and bring to a boil. The meat is fragrant purple onions and stir-fried until cooked. Mix the lotus seeds to a boil for rice flour and stir well to have porridge. Ladle porridge into bowls with stir-fried meat and herbs. Shrimp porridge, spinach: Food ingredients include shrimp, green onions, spinach, cooking oil. Starting to do, all ingredients will be preliminarily processed, shrimp will be peeled and washed to drain, then chopped shrimp together with onions and a little spice, spinach is washed and chopped. Cook white porridge. Then add cooked shrimp and spinach, and add seasoning. Pork brain porridge with vegetables: Food ingredients include water spinach, pork brain, rice and spices... Pork brain is preliminarily cleaned, and taken to a water bath. When the pork brain is cooked, use a spoon to mash it. Spinach is washed, then chopped or pureed. Cook white porridge, then add pork brain and spinach to boil and add spices. This dish is quite nutritious for children to develop brain. However, that does not mean that parents feed their children too much.

5. Command menu and traditional weaning menu

Although children at this age have teeth, parents still pay attention to cut each type of fruit and vegetables and make food with the right size in the 1-year-old baby's weaning menu to help children easily grasp or not get hurt. choking while eating. This type of command weaning menu will help children have more feelings about the food as well as the food that they use. Can help children have more interest in meals
Another type of menu that parents often apply to children of this age is the traditional weaning menu. This type of menu will be made by parents with porridge dishes and these menus are also diversified with many foods to help stimulate children to eat better.
In summary, the recommended nutritional needs of children at 1 year of age start to increase higher than in the previous period. At this time, children need to provide enough micronutrients to meet important intellectual and physical development, provide enough energy for children's activities in a day. The weaning menu for a 1-year-old baby plays a very important role in the physical and intellectual development. Therefore, parents need to find out clearly to be able to build a nutritious and reasonable 1-year-old weaning menu to help children develop comprehensively.
In addition to a reasonable weaning diet, your baby needs to add necessary micronutrients such as: Zinc, selenium, chromium, Vitamins B1 and B6, Ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C),... to improve taste, eat well, reach the correct height and weight, and exceed the standard, have a good immune system, strengthen the resistance to get sick less often and have less digestive problems.
The improvement of symptoms can take place for a long time, so it is recommended that parents be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients for children, even through eating or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow simultaneous use of many types or continuously change the types of functional foods.
To have more knowledge about taking care of children by age, you should regularly visit the website vimec.com and make an appointment with the leading doctors, Pediatricians - Nutritionists when you need advice.
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