Uses of Ziextenzo

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Ziextenzo is a white blood cell stimulant that helps the body make more white blood cells, often used in the treatment of patients with leukopenia caused by chemotherapy. What are the uses of Ziextenzo?

1. What does Ziextenzo do?

What does Ziextenzo do? Ziextenzo, also known as pegfilgrastim, is a white blood cell stimulant, a man-made version of a certain natural substance made in the body. Ziextenzo helps your body make more white blood cells. White blood cells are important to help fight infections. Ziextenzo is used in people whose white blood cell production has been reduced by chemotherapy, and in some cases can also be used to increase white blood cell counts after exposure to radiation.
Besides the above uses, Ziextenzo medicine may also be used to treat some other conditions that are not listed above. Therefore, users should actively consult their doctor before using the drug for advice on how to use the drug effectively.

2. How to use and dosage of Ziextenzo

Ziextenzo drug is prepared as a solution for injection under the skin. Typically, patients receive one injection in each chemotherapy cycle. However, injections should not be given within 14 days before or 24 hours after chemotherapy. For use after radiation exposure, Ziextenzo is usually given in 2 doses a week apart. The dosage and schedule are based on your medical condition and response to treatment, and your child's weight.
In addition, if you are using this medication at home, you should learn all preparation and use instructions from healthcare professionals and the product package. The first step before use is to take the medicine out of the refrigerator. Let it warm to room temperature, usually for at least 30 minutes. When administering the medication, the user does not need to heat this medication in any other way, such as in a microwave oven or placing in hot water. Do not shake this medication, but inspect this product visually before use for particles or its discoloration.
Need to clean the injection site with rubbing alcohol before administering each dose. Change where you inject each time to reduce damage under the skin. Do not inject pegfilgrastim into skin that is bruised, tender, red, hard, or has scars, moles, or stretch marks.

3. Undesirable effects when using the drug Ziextenzo

Some unwanted effects that can occur when using Ziextenzo medicine include:
Soreness in bones and muscles At the injection site there may be redness, swelling, itching or bruising Serious side effects such as urine may be present. bloody, easy bleeding, bruising, fever, fast heartbeat, purple or red spots on the skin, back pain, breathing problems like shortness of breath, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, unusual decreased urination, etc. Ziextenzo may increase the risk of developing MDS or blood cancer in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in people with breast or lung cancer who are receiving chemotherapy or radiation. Before prescribing a drug, doctors always weigh the benefits and effects of Ziextenzo more than the risk of side effects. However, some cases when using Ziextenzo can still occur unwanted effects. Therefore, when abnormal signs appear, the patient or family member should immediately notify the medical staff for immediate treatment.

4. Some notes when using Ziextenzo

Some notes when using Ziextenzo medicine include:
Inform your doctor about any history of hypersensitivity, allergy to Ziextenzo or any other allergies. Ziextenzo may contain ingredients that don't work and could cause an allergic reaction or other serious problems. Notify the drugs you are taking every day including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, herbs or dietary supplements, preservatives or dyes, other foods,... to Doctors know best. Report medical history especially sickle cell disease, spleen problems. During pregnancy and lactation, consult your doctor before taking this medicine and only use it when absolutely necessary. Perform blood cell analysis, liver and kidney function tests during treatment to assess the response and progression of the disease.

5. Drug interactions

Drug interactions may reduce the effect of Ziextenzo, or increase the effect of unwanted effects.
Some drugs that may interact with Ziextenzo include:
Filgrastim product Ziextenzo drug can interfere with bone imaging tests, so make sure healthcare professionals know you're taking Ziextenzo. You should tell your doctor about all other medications you are taking including vitamins, prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, and other herbal products. You should not stop, start, or change the dose of any medicine without your doctor's consent without your doctor's consent.

6. How to store Ziextenzo?

Ziextenzo medicine is stored in medical facilities with the following conditions:
Room temperature Avoid light Avoid humid places Do not store in a humid place or in the freezer. In a nutshell, Ziextenzo is a white blood cell stimulant that helps the body make more white blood cells, often used in the treatment of patients with chemotherapy-induced leukopenia. However, Ziextenzo can cause some unwanted effects and drug interactions, so tell your doctor what medicines you are taking to reduce the risk of unwanted effects and at the same time increase the risk of side effects. effective for treatment.
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