Uses of Votraza

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Votraza drug has main ingredients including Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and Lamivudin. Votraza drug is commonly used in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B in adults. Learning basic information such as ingredients, uses, doses and side effects of Votraza will help patients and their families improve treatment effectiveness.

1. What is Votraza?

Votraza drug is prepared under film-coated tablets, with main ingredients including:
Active ingredient: Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300 mg. Lamivudine 300mg strength. Excipients: Just enough for 1 film-coated tablet. Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate inhibits HIV-1 reverse transcriptase by competing with the natural substrate Deoxyadenosin-5-triphosphate and, upon incorporation into DNA, thereby ending the DNA chain. In addition, Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate also inhibits α and β DNA polymerase, enzymes required for hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication in liver cells.
Active ingredient Lamivudin inhibits DNA synthesis of Retroviruses through competitive inhibition of reverse transcriptase and binding to viral DNA, especially HIV virus. In addition, Lamivudin also has antiviral activity against hepatitis B virus.
Votraza drugs include Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and Lamivudin, two active ingredients with anti-retroviral effects. The use of this combination enhances the antiviral effect of Votraza.

2. What effect does Votraza have?

Votraza is indicated for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) in adults when single-dose tenofovir disoproxil fumarate or lamivudine has failed to respond.

3. Contraindications of Votraza

Hypersensitivity to any ingredient in Votraza. History of allergy to medicines containing the active ingredient Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. History of allergy to drugs containing the active ingredient Lamivudin. Patients with impaired liver function. Patients with impaired renal function (creatinine clearance < 50 ml/min).

4. Dosage and usage of Votraza:

Note: Votraza can be used on an empty stomach or when full.
Recommended dose: Take 1 tablet / time x 1 time / day. Children
Votraza is not recommended. Patients with renal failure
Dose determination based on Creatinine clearance (CrCl)
CrCl ≥ 50 ml/min: Take 1 tablet x 1 time/day. CrCl 30 - 49 ml/min: Take 1 tablet/time x 1 time every 48 hours. CrCl 10 - 29 ml/min: Take 1 tablet x 1 time every 72 - 96 hours. Hemodialysis patients: Take 1 tablet x 1 time every 7 days or 12 hours after hemodialysis.

5. Note when using Votraza:

Treatment with Votraza drug with high dose or prolonged, can cause side effects such as:
Digestive disorders: Diarrhea, vomiting and nausea, flatulence, abdominal pain, indigestion, loss of appetite. Enlarged liver and fatty liver. Renal and urinary tract: Acute renal failure, Fanconi syndrome. Biochemistry: Increased serum Amylase and pancreatitis, decreased serum Phosphate. Increased blood sugar, increased liver enzymes, increased blood triglyceride levels. Lactic acidosis in the blood. Neurological: Headache, dizziness, vertigo, depression, insomnia, asthenia, peripheral neuropathy, sweating and myalgia. Skin and soft tissue: Skin rash, urticaria, redness, itching. Body as a whole: Anaphylactic shock. Should stop the drug when detecting the above symptoms or other abnormalities after taking Votraza and promptly notify the treating doctor or go to the nearest hospital for timely treatment.
Note the use of Votraza drug in the following subjects:
Use caution when using Votraza in people with a history of or being obese, patients with HIV and HBV co-infection, people with a history of one or more broken bones. multiple times or at risk of osteoporosis. Votraza can cause fat accumulation in the body causing obesity, mammary gland enlargement, peripheral nerve damage, Cushing's syndrome. Pregnancy: Current studies have not determined the risk of harm to the fetus of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and lamivudin. Therefore, the use of Votraza in pregnant women should be carefully considered. Lactation: The presence of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and lamivudin have not been reported, and its effect on the nursing infant is unknown. Therefore, the use of Votraza should only be considered if the potential benefit outweighs the possible risk to the nursing infant. Drivers or machine operators may experience some symptoms such as headache, dizziness, dizziness... after using Votraza.

6. Votraza drug interactions:

Interactions with other drugs:
Votraza drugs have the effect of reducing kidney function and competing for renal elimination with other antiviral drugs such as: Cidofovir, Ganciclovir, Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Valganciclovir... Synergistic interactions between Votraza and drugs such as Atazanavir, Indinavir, Amprenavir, Ritonavir, Saquinavir, Delavirdin, Efavirenz, Nevirapin, Abacavir, Didanosin, Emtricitabin, Stavudin, Zalcitabin, Zidovudin... Use, dosage and side effects or notes of Votraza. Patients and family members should carefully read the instructions on the packaging of Votraza, and consult a specialist before deciding to use the drug.

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