Uses of Vartel 20mg

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Vartel 20mg drug has the main ingredient Trimetazidine hydrochloride, which is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets. The drug is effective in preventing angina, treating damage to blood vessels in the retina and significantly improving symptoms of dizziness, tinnitus, and Ménière's syndrome. Let's understand the uses of Vartel 20mg and important notes when using the drug in the article below.

1. What is Vartel 20mg?

Vartel 20mg drug has the main ingredient Trimetazidine hydrochloride 20mg and other excipients just enough for 1 tablet. Vartel 20mg is manufactured by TV Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company. Pharm, circulated in our country with VD-25935-16. Vartel 20mg is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets, the packing specification is box of 3 blisters (Alu-alu) x 10 tablets; box of 2 blisters (Alu-PVC) x 30 tablets.

2. Indications and contraindications of the drug Vartel 20mg

Vartel 20mg is indicated for use in the treatment of the following cases:
Cardiology: Prevention of angina, Ophthalmology: Damage to blood vessels in the retina Otolaryngology: Vasomotor dizziness, tinnitus , Ménière's syndrome Contraindicated to use Vartel 20mg for the following cases:
People with hypersensitivity to the drug components Vartel Heart failure Vascular collapse.

3. Dosage of the drug Vartel 20mg

How to use: Vartel 20mg is used orally and used at the beginning of meals
For ophthalmology and ear: dose is 40 mg - 60 mg tablets/day, divided into 2-3 times orally . For coronary insufficiency, angina: the dose is 20 mg x 3 times/day, the later time can be reduced to 20 mg x 2 times/day. Treatment of overdose, missed dose:
Overdose: In case of using Vartel 20mg drug in excess of prescribed and having abnormal symptoms, it is necessary to contact the nearest medical facility immediately.
Missed dose: In the process of using Vartel 20mg, patients need to follow the doctor's treatment schedule, to avoid the occurrence of missed doses that reduce the effectiveness of treatment. If you forget to take a dose of Vartel 20mg, use the missed dose as soon as you remember (you can take the medicine 1-2 hours before the time prescribed by the doctor). However, if it is too close to the next dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose exactly as prescribed. Patients should note that the dose of Vartel 20mg should not be doubled.

4. Side effects of the drug Vartel 20mg

During the use of Vartel 20mg, there may be some side effects including nausea, rash, headache, upset stomach, loss of appetite, increased liver enzymes.
Usually side effects or unwanted effects go away when the medication is stopped. If there are rare side effects that are not listed in the drug information, the patient should immediately notify the doctor for timely support.

5. Be careful when using Vartel 20mg

In the process of using Vartel 20mg, patients should pay attention to some of the following issues:
Do not use Vartel 20mg for pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. Use with caution in the elderly. People who need to be careful before taking Vartel 20mg drug: children under 15 years old, pregnant women, lactating women, the elderly, people with kidney failure, liver failure, people allergic to any ingredients drugs... Or subjects with hepatic coma, stomach ulcers, myasthenia gravis. When combining Vartel 20mg with other drugs or ingredients in food, drink products can cause some reactions. Therefore, you should consult your doctor to abstain during the use of Vartel 20mg. Store the medicine in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. In the process of using Vartel 20mg, patients need to pay attention to follow the doctor's instructions, carefully read the notes before taking to be able to bring the most effective treatment, limit the possible side effects. may happen.

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