Uses of Uromitexan

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Uromitexan drug belongs to the group of emergency and detoxifying drugs, effective in treating venous insufficiency, symptoms of acute congestive hemorrhoids causing pain and burning. So, what is Uromitexan and what specific cases is it indicated for?

1. What is Uromitexan?

Uromitexan has the main active ingredient mesna 400mg and other excipients such as sodium, edetate, sodium hydroxide and water for injection. The drug is prepared in the form of an infusion solution, packed in a box of 15 ampoules, 4ml each.

2. What effect does Uromitexan have?

2.1. Uses

Mechanism of action: Mesna is an effective antidote, interacting with the toxic metabolites of Ifosfamide or Cyclophosphamide in the urine. Through that mechanism of action, the drug helps reduce toxicity on the patient's bladder.
Uromitexan has the effect of supporting the prevention of toxicity on the urethra caused by patients using Oxazaphosphrines or for people with a history of urinary tract disease, who are in the process of being treated for tumors due to previous regional radiation therapy. pot.

2.2. Contraindications

People who are sensitive to the active substance Mesna or to other complex active substances containing thiol.

3. Usage and dosage of Uromitexan

How to use: Uromitexan is prepared as a solution for injection, should be injected directly intravenously or intravenously within 15 minutes. The patient is administered intravenously by a doctor or nurse. The drug will be used at the same time as chemotherapy and 4 to 8 hours after the patient has received chemotherapy. During use, patients need to add at least 1 liter of water per day, strictly follow the instructions of the doctor.
Dosage: Usually, patients need to use the correct dose as prescribed by the doctor listed in the prescription because the dose depends on the condition and severity of each person's disease. Uromitexan is usually given intravenously in adults at a dose of 20% oxazaphosphorine at the time of dosing and after 4, 8 hours. Specifically:
For adults: take a dose of 3 x 40% in the starting time frames, after 4 hours, after 8 hours or 4 x 40% divided into the starting time frames, after 3 hours, after 6 hours and after 9 o'clock. For children: Administer intravenous doses directly, each dose 3 hours apart. Instead of direct intravenous injection, a short 15 minute intravenous infusion can be given to the user. However, continuous intravenous infusion is more beneficial. Missed dose: The drug is injected by the medical team, so missed doses rarely happen. However, if it occurs, the patient should immediately notify the doctor so that the treatment can take place regularly.
In case of overdose: In the course of use, if an overdose is detected and there are unusual symptoms suspected of taking the drug, the patient should immediately notify the doctor for advice and treatment. timely instructions. If severe symptoms appear, the patient should be taken immediately to the nearest local medical center to avoid dangerous consequences.

4. Uromitexan side effects

During use, in addition to the main use that Uromitexan injection brings, users may also experience the following unwanted side effects:
Common cases:
Headache, fatigue, chills, Drowsiness, dizziness, hair loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, soft stools. Constipation, abdominal pain, loss of appetite. Pain at the injection site, pain in the arms, legs, back, or joints. Rare cases:
Difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, chest pain, fast or irregular heartbeat. Rash, itching, unusual bleeding, easy bruising. Urine that is dark, pink, red, or appears bloody. Note: When using the above side effects or seeing other symptoms suspected of taking the drug, the patient should immediately notify the doctor, medical staff or visit the nearest medical facility. best.

5. Uromitexan drug interactions

In the process of using Uromitexan, in addition to the main effects that the drug brings, the drug may also interact with some other drugs to increase toxicity, increase side effects, or may reduce or inactivate the drug. medicine. According to reports, some drugs that interact with Uromitexan that users should be aware of are:
Cisplatin . Nitrogen mustard. Carboplatin . Note: In order to avoid unnecessary interactions, users need to share with their doctors and pharmacists all the drugs and functional foods that they are taking or intend to use before using them. medicine to get the best advice and dosage.

6. Some notes when using Uromitexan

Treatment with Uromitexan may cause false positive test results for ketones. The drug only has a protective effect on the urinary tract, so all other preventive measures that are recommended in combination with the treatment with the active ingredient oxazaphosphorine are unaffected and can be continued. The drug has not been reported to accurately identify risks or safety for pregnancy and young children, so, before using the drug in pregnant or breastfeeding women, it is necessary to determine clearly understand the benefits and risks of the drug to know whether to use it or not. Users should not store or store medicine in the bathroom or in the freezer compartment. Do not use the medicine after the expiration date, consult the person in charge of health, the waste disposal company for a safe way to dispose of the medicine. Hopefully, the above sharing will help users to firmly grasp information about Uromitexan drug and have a safe and effective treatment process.
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