Uses of Tymolpain

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Tymolpain is a medication that belongs to the class of migraine headaches. Commonly used to indicate the treatment of migraine, vestibular disorders and attention deficit disorder... To use this drug safely and achieve the best effect, users should understand the following information. message below

1. What is Tymolpain?

Tymolpain is a pharmaceutical product manufactured by USA - NIC Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (USA - NIC Pharma), Vietnam and registered by Branch of Dam San Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Trading Co., Ltd., Vietnam Male.
Tymolpain belongs to the group of drugs to treat migraine with the main active ingredient Flunarizine (in the form of flunarizine dihydrochloride) content 5mg. The drug is often used to prevent and treat migraine, symptoms of vestibular disorders ...
The drug is prepared in the form of hard capsules and packaged in a box of 5 blisters x 10 tablets or a box of 6 blisters. x 10 tablets, box of 10 blisters x 10 tablets or bottle of 100 tablets and each tablet contains 5mg of active ingredient Flunarizine.

2. Effects of Tymolpain

2.1 Uses of the active ingredient Flunarizine contained in the drug formula Tymolpain is a selective calcium antagonist, which prevents the overload of cellular calcium, by reducing the excessive influx of calcium across the cell membrane. Flunarizine has no effect on myocardial contractility and conduction.
2.2 Indications for Tymolpain The drug Tymolpain is used to indicate the treatment of some of the following cases:
Treatment and prevention of migraine. Treatment of symptoms of vestibular disorders such as dizziness, lightheadedness and tinnitus. Treatment of inattention, agitation, memory disorders and sleep disturbances. Treatment of muscle spasticity when walking or lying down, paresthesia and cold extremities. 2.3 Contraindications of the drug Tymolpain The drug is not recommended to be used in one of the following patients:
Hypersensitivity to the component Flunarizine or the excipients contained in the drug formulation. Have a history of depression. Have a history of Parkinson's disease or other extrapyramidal disorders. Are taking beta blockers.

3. Dosage and how to use Tymolpain

Patients need to take medicine properly, in the right dose as prescribed and under the guidance of a qualified doctor or pharmacist.
How to use Tymolpain:
The preparation of hard capsules should be taken orally with boiled or purified filter. Note that the drug should not be taken with beer, wine, coffee, soft drinks and carbonated drinks...
Tymolpain should be taken after eating for about 30 minutes to avoid affecting the stomach. When taking the drug, the patient should swallow the tablet whole, should not break or crush, chew the drug can change the composition and affect the effect of Tymolpain.
Starting dose: Take 10mg/day/time in the evening. Patients over 65 years old: 5mg/day/time. Maintenance dose: May be reduced to 5mg/day/time. Note: This dosage is for reference only, the specific dose will be prescribed by the doctor based on the progress of the disease, the specific condition of the patient and the ability of the patient to respond to the drug. Therefore, to get the most appropriate dose, patients should consult a qualified doctor for specific advice.

4. Side effects

Possible side effects of Tymolpain that have been reported and reported are:
Common side effects: Mild drowsiness, fatigue, weight gain or increased appetite when eating. Side effects occur with prolonged drug treatment: Depression, extrapyramidal symptoms (dyskinesia, slow movement, muscle stiffness, restlessness and tremor). Rare side effects: nausea, upset stomach, dry mouth, burning in the sternum, drowsiness, anxiety, increased lactation, muscle pain and rash. Note: If you experience the side effects mentioned above or have other unusual signs, the patient should notify the treating doctor for advice on how to handle it safely.

5. Drug interactions

Drug interactions can occur when using 2 or more drugs together, can be antagonistic or synergistic, but both affect the effectiveness of the drugs being used.
Therefore, in order to avoid drug interactions that occur when taking Tymolpain, affecting the treatment effect and health, the patient should let the treating doctor know about all the drugs, herbs and supplements that are being used. use. This will help the doctor adjust the dose or prescribe the most appropriate and effective alternative medicine for the patient.
Some drugs that interact with Tymolpain include: Sleeping pills, epilepsy drugs, antidepressants, tranquilizers, oral contraceptives, alcohol and alcoholic beverages and stimulants.

6. Notes and cautions

When using Tymolpain, patients also need to note and be cautious of some of the following issues to ensure safe and effective use of the drug, that is:
Should take the drug as prescribed by the doctor, pharmacist and medical specialist. Do not arbitrarily use drugs or arbitrarily adjust the dosage without consulting and indication of a professional, not exceed the prescribed dose. Before taking the drug, the patient should inform the doctor fully about his medical condition, medical history, history of allergies, as well as medications being taken, pregnancy and lactation.. .. Drug use can increase extrapyramidal symptoms, depression and exacerbation of Parkinson's syndrome, especially in the elderly. Therefore, it should be used with caution in elderly patients. If you experience some symptoms of fatigue, extrapyramidal symptoms or depression while taking the drug, you should discontinue treatment and consult a specialist. Patients need to be examined at regular intervals, especially during maintenance therapy and if no effect is achieved during maintenance therapy, treatment should be discontinued. The drug can affect the fetus during pregnancy, especially the first months, so it is best for pregnant women not to take the drug. The drug can be excreted in breast milk and passed on to a nursing infant, so it should not be used by nursing women. If you must take medication, consult your doctor and stop breastfeeding. The drug can cause drowsiness, especially at the beginning of treatment, so caution should be exercised when driving a vehicle or operating machinery.

7. Handling missed dose and overdose

Missed dose: If you miss a dose, you can take it as soon as you remember within 1-2 hours compared to prescribed. If it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and take the next scheduled dose. Never combine two doses at the same time to avoid overdose and increase side effects.
Overdose: If you have symptoms of an overdose, contact your doctor immediately for advice on how to handle an overdose. In case of life-threatening danger, take the patient to a nearby medical facility for timely emergency treatment.

8. How to store

Store Tymolpain in a dry place with a temperature of 15-30 degrees Celsius and avoid moisture, avoid direct sunlight. Store Tymolpain medicine out of sight and reach of small children and pets. For Tymolpain that is no longer in use, collect and dispose of waste according to the instructions of your doctor, pharmacist, manufacturer or local waste disposal company to ensure safe disposal. Absolutely do not flush Tymolpain medicine under the household tap or throw medicine and medicine packaging into the toilet. Above is all information about Tymolpain drug, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Note, Tymolpain is a prescription drug, patients absolutely must not buy and treat at home because they may experience unwanted side effects.

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