Uses of Turanon

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Turanon belongs to the group of respiratory drugs with the main ingredient Eprazinone is often used to treat symptoms of bronchitis, nasopharyngitis or thick phlegm,... So what is Turanon?

1. What are the effects of Turanon?

Turanon drug has the main ingredient eprazineone, which is a piperazine derivative, which has the activity of dissolving viscous mucus or expectorant, by binding to the receptor of the mucus at the site of inflammation. In addition, eprazinone also has a relaxing effect on bronchial smooth muscle. On the pharmacokinetics of the drug Turanon is absorbed orally with plasma concentrations achieved after 1 hour. Turanon is extensively metabolized by the liver and has a half-life of approximately 6 hours.
Turanon is often prescribed in cases of bronchial congestion, especially in acute bronchitis to dilute bronchial secretions, thereby making it easier to excrete through the cough reflex. Turanon is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients, in patients with a history of convulsions or in nursing mothers.

2. Dosage of Turanon drug:

Depending on the subjects and treatment goals, the dose of Turanon will be different, specifically as follows:
Adults: 1-2 tablets x 3 times/day Children take the dose under the guidance of a doctor. Doctor The duration of treatment of Turanon should not exceed 5 days unless prescribed by a doctor. In overdose, Turanon may cause drowsiness, ataxia or convulsions. treat symptoms.

3. Turanon side effects

In some patients when using Turanon, side effects may occur such as:
Gastrointestinal disturbances causing nausea, stomach pain or diarrhea Rare unwanted side effects include skin allergies, aches and pains. Headache, drowsiness, dizziness When experiencing undesirable effects when using the drug, it is necessary to notify the doctor immediately for timely treatment.

4. Be careful when using the drug Turanon

Some general notes when using Turanon drugs include:
Caution when using Turanon for the combined treatment of cases of thick, purulent sputum or fever, chronic lung or bronchial disease Do not use with cough suppressants with Turanon or drugs that dry up bronchial secretions while using the drug Only use Turanon during pregnancy when absolutely necessary and do not use Turanon medicine for women who are breastfeeding The drug can cause drowsiness so it should be used Be careful when driving and operating machinery.

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