Uses of Trimpol mr 35mg

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Trimpol mr 35mg contains the active ingredient Trimetazidine hydrochloride, which is made in the form of a slow release tablet. Trimpol mr 35mg is indicated in the treatment of angina pectoris. Let's learn about the uses and notes when using Trimpol through the article below.

1. Uses

1.1. Indications Trimpol mr 35mg contains the active ingredient Trimetazidine hydrochloride in the form of delayed-release tablets. Trimpolmr is indicated in the following cases:
As adjunctive/adjunctive therapy to existing treatment for symptomatic treatment in patients with poorly controlled stable angina, or in patients with unstable angina. disease intolerant to other angina treatment regimens; Support treatment of symptoms of tinnitus, dizziness; Support in the treatment of visual disturbances and vision loss of circulatory origin. 1.2. Pharmacodynamics Active ingredient Trimetazidin has the effect of inhibiting the beta-oxidation of fatty acids through inhibition of the enzyme long - chain 3 - ketoacyl - CoA thiolase in ischemic cells, when the energy is for the process. beta oxidizes more energy than is obtained in the oxidation of glucose. Therefore, promoting glucose oxidation will help optimize cellular energy processes, thereby helping to maintain proper energy metabolism during times of anemia.
In patients with ischemic heart disease, the active ingredient trimetazidine acts as a metabolite, helping to maintain and conserve high intracellular phosphate energy in the myocardium. The anti-ischemic effect of the drug does not affect hemodynamics.
1.3. Pharmacokinetics Absorption: Trimetazidine is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, stomach and intestines after oral administration. Maximum plasma concentrations are reached after about 5 hours of dosing. Steady state plasma concentrations are achieved approximately 60 hours after oral administration and are maintained throughout the course of treatment. Distribution: The proportion of active substance Trimetazidine bound to plasma proteins is about 16%. The drug is widely distributed into body tissues with a volume of distribution of about 4.8 l/kg. Metabolism: Trimetazidine is not metabolised in the liver Elimination: The drug is excreted mainly in the urine as unchanged drug. The mean half-life of trimetazidine is about 7 hours.

2. Dosage

Trimpol mr 35mg is a prescription drug, the use of drugs in treatment requires a doctor's prescription. All information on dosage below is only a recommendation, patients absolutely do not arbitrarily use the drug without a doctor's prescription. The recommended dose in adults is 1 tablet of 35 mg/time x 2 times/day, taken with meals.
Notes on the dosage of Trimolmr in some special subjects as follows:
Patients with moderate renal impairment (creatinine clearance 30 - 60 ml/min): The recommended dose is 1 tablet/time/ day drink in the morning with meals; Elderly: Sensitivity to the active ingredient trimetazidine in the elderly is higher than normal due to age-related decline in renal function. Therefore, care should be taken when calculating the drug dose in this subject; Children: The safety and effectiveness of Trimpomr in patients younger than 18 years of age have not been evaluated. Therefore, do not use Trimpol mr in these subjects.

3. Side effects

Trimpol mr 35mg can cause some common side effects as follows:
On the nervous system: Dizziness, headache; On the digestive system: Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, indigestion; On the skin, subcutaneous tissue: Urticaria , rash; Body as a whole: Weakness. Some rare side effects: Cardiovascular side effects such as palpitations, palpitations, tachycardia, extrasystoles, arterial hypotension, orthostatic hypotension, dizziness or falls, especially in patients being treated with antihypertensive drugs.
Side effects of unspecified frequency:
Nervous system: Parkinson's-like symptoms (tremor, hypertonia, slow and difficult movements), restless legs syndrome, unsteady gait, confusion sleep disorders, related movement disorders; On the digestive system: Constipation ; On skin, subcutaneous tissue: Angioedema, acute generalized pustular rash (AGEP); Lymphatic system, blood: Thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenic purpura; Hepatobiliary: Hepatitis. Side effects such as Parkinson's symptoms, restless legs syndrome, unsteady gait and related movement disorders may disappear with discontinuation of the drug.
In case of experiencing side effects, the patient should notify the treating doctor for timely treatment.

4. Note when using

4.1. Contraindications Contraindicated to use Trimpol mr 35mg in the following cases:
The patient is allergic to trimetazidine or any ingredient of Trimpol mr; Patients with Parkinson's disease, or with parkinsonian symptoms, restless legs syndrome, tremor, related movement disorders; Patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance less than 30ml/min). 4.2. Trimpomr is not recommended for use in lactating women, and is not indicated for the treatment of unstable angina in the pre-hospital and early-hospital stages. In the event that angina occurs during drug therapy, the patient should be re-evaluated for coronary heart disease and the appropriateness of the treatment regimen. Trimpomr 35mg may cause or worsen symptoms of Parkinson's disease (slow movement, difficulty, tremor, and increased muscle tone). Therefore, patients should be monitored regularly during drug treatment (especially in the elderly). In suspected cases, the patient should be taken to a neurologist for specific examination. Patients who experience movement disorders when using drugs such as restless legs syndrome, Parkinson's symptoms, unsteady gait... should immediately stop drug treatment. Use caution when prescribing the drug in highly sensitive patients such as patients with moderate renal impairment and above, patients over 75 years of age. Ability to drive, operate machines: The drug can cause some symptoms such as drowsiness, it affects the ability to drive and operate machines. Pregnancy: There are no studies demonstrating the safety of trimetazidine in pregnant women. Therefore, to ensure safety, the drug should not be used in these subjects. Lactation: There are no studies demonstrating the excretion of trimetazidine in breast milk. Therefore, do not use Trimpol mr in these subjects.

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