Uses of the drug Powertona 3g

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Powertona 3g is a drug used in the treatment of diseases related to the nervous system such as short-term memory loss, lack of mental acuity and clarity, depression. In addition, the product is also indicated for people with intermittent lameness syndrome, retinopathy.

1. What does Powertona do?

Powertona 3g is a product manufactured by Korea United Pharm JSC. Int'l with main ingredients is ginseng extract 40mg, ginkgo extract 40mg, garlic essential oil 10mg. These are natural ingredients, known for their uses such as:
Ginseng extract: This is a medium, sweet, slightly bitter ingredient that has the ability to replenish gas, try to escape, regulate thirst, and benefit. mental, sedative, succulent, calming, pain-relieving and anti-fatigue. Using ginseng will bring great use in nourishing the brain, developing thinking, intelligence, strengthening the body's immune system. Ginkgo extract: This material is widely used in modern medicine with the ability to treat symptoms of mild and moderate cerebral circulatory insufficiency with typical symptoms such as memory impairment, concentration disorder, depression, dizziness, tinnitus and headache. In addition, many research papers also demonstrate the effectiveness of ginkgo extract in reducing other symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline related to aging. Garlic Oil: With its high content of vitamins C, B1 and B6, allicin, iron and phosphorus, garlic essential oil is considered a great remedy to promote overall health. The combination of the above ingredients helps the drug Powertona 3g promote quite effectively in the treatment of diseases related to the nervous system.

2. Indications and contraindications

2.1. Indications Powertona 3g is indicated in the following cases:
People with short-term memory loss, mental impairment, poor mental clarity, depression, difficulty concentrating on work. Support the treatment of organic brain dysfunction accompanied by dementia. Support in the treatment of intermittent lameness syndrome, retinopathy (including problems such as dot degeneration, diabetic retinopathy), syndromes related to inner ear insufficiency (headache, dizziness, tinnitus ...), hearing loss in people. Support to overcome sequelae after cerebrovascular accidents and traumatic brain injuries. A state of senility (common in Alzheimer's disease), impotence. Brittle capillaries and premenstrual syndrome, headache... 2.2. Contraindications Powertona 3g is contraindicated in the following cases:
People with a history of allergy to the ingredients contained in the product such as ginseng extract, ginkgo extract, garlic essential oil. People with severe liver failure. Pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years old. People with bleeding or blood clotting disorders.

3. Usage and dosage of Powertona 3g

Powertona 3g is a drug that is prepared in the form of tablets, used to drink during or after meals. When using you should pay attention to swallow the tablet whole, do not break and do not chew.
About dosage, adults and children over 12 years old use 1 tablet each time, 3 times a day.

4. Common side effects

Powertona 3g medicine rarely causes side effects, so some rare side effects include:
Feeling dizzy, dizzy, feeling tired. Headache, pale skin. Redness, allergies, itching on the skin. Drowsiness, somnolence.

5. Handling of missed dose or overdose of Powertona 3g

When you forget to take Powertona, you should take it as soon as you remember. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and just use the next dose instead of taking a double dose.
There are currently no research documents showing the effects of Powertona 3g on the body when overdosed. However, if you find yourself in this situation, you should immediately notify your doctor if you notice any abnormality in your body.
Above is some basic information about Powertona 3 g that readers can refer to. Make sure you take the medicine at the right time and at the right dose for the best effect.
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