Uses of the drug Nazinc

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Nazinc is a product to help supplement zinc, support in the treatment of zinc deficiency and daily supplementation for certain groups of people. Each pill is equivalent to 15g of zinc.

1. What is Nazinc?

Nazinc is a product used to supplement zinc as well as treat zinc deficiency in subjects such as children, pregnant women, people with nutritional deficiencies due to diet,...
Nazinc drugs have The main ingredient is Zinc gluconate and other excipients attached. Each Nazinc tablet is equivalent to 15g of zinc.
The drug is prepared in the form of tablets, packed in a blister of 10 tablets. Users should note that this is a prescription drug, the sale and use of it requires a doctor's prescription and prescription.

2. Indications and contraindications to using Nazinc

Nazinc or Zinc gluconate is used to supplement daily zinc requirements, treat zinc deficiency and some other problems. Therefore, the drug is indicated for use in the following cases:
Daily zinc supplementation in the following cases:
Children with growth retardation, rickets. Pregnant and lactating women. Unbalanced diet or people who are on a diet. Acute and chronic diarrhea. Prevention of prostate enlargement in men over 40 years of age. Treatment of mild to moderate and severe zinc deficiency:
Mild zinc deficiency: Recurrent infections of the respiratory tract. Skin diseases. Digestive disorders . Children are physically and mentally weak. Children are restless at night, have difficulty falling asleep. Severe zinc deficiency: Perennial acne. Moderate to severe skin damage such as: Skin is horny, sensitive to allergies, dry rough, dandruff a lot in the scalp area,... Nail related problems: Long-lasting nails, nails white streaks. Other problems and diseases: Decreased sexual function. Anal inflammation. Vaginal infection. Hair loss. Nazinc drug is contraindicated for use in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the drug, including the main active ingredient is Zinc gluconate and excipients. Hypersensitivity to Sulfamid. Liver failure. CKD . Severe adrenal insufficiency. Kidney stones or a history of kidney stones.

3. Dosage and how to use Nazinc

Similar to other drugs, the dose of Nazinc drug depends on the user's body condition and ability to respond to the drug. Below is the reference dose for Nazinc.
For Additional Daily Dose:
Infants under 1 year old: 5mg/day. Children from 1 to 10 years old: 5-10mg/day. Men (11 years and older): 15mg/day. Females (ages 11 and up): 12mg/day. Pregnant and lactating women: 20-25mg/day. For zinc deficiency treatment dosage: Depends on the doctor's prescription.
For Acne Treatment Dosage: 1 tablet x 3 times/day.
For the treatment of atopic dermatitis: 1 tablet x 2 times/day.
Note, this is just a reference dose, not a substitute for a doctor's prescription.
How to use:
Take 1 capsule each time after eating. Treatment of missed dose and overdose:
Missed dose: In case of missed dose, take it as soon as you remember. However, if you remember close to the next dose, skip the missed dose and do not take the next dose. Do not skip doses more than 2 times in a row. If you miss more than 2 doses in a row, you should contact your doctor for further instructions. Overdose: Symptoms of an overdose are similar to those of side effects. Contact your doctor as soon as you recognize an overdose for prompt help.

4. Undesirable effects of Nazinc

Some undesirable effects of Nazinc are:
Transient stomach upset. Nausea, vomiting. Digestive disorders. If you experience any unusual symptoms, including those not listed above, go to the nearest clinic or hospital or contact your doctor directly for timely support.

5. Notes and cautions when using Nazinc

Inform your doctor of all medicines you are using, including over-the-counter drugs, to avoid drug interactions that affect your health and treatment process. Store the medicine in a dry, cool and normal temperature, not in a place where the heat is more than 30 degrees Celsius. Absolutely follow the dose prescribed by the doctor, do not arbitrarily increase or decrease the dose. Do not recommend dosage to others. Before stopping the use of the drug should consult a doctor.

6. Nazinc interactions with other drugs

If you have to take Nazinc at the same time and drugs such as Tetracycline, Penicillamin, Fluroquinolone, drugs containing iron, copper, take them apart to avoid reducing the effect of the drug, increasing the risk of digestive disorders.
In summary, Nazinc is a zinc supplement, indicated in the treatment of mild to moderate and severe zinc deficiency. This is a prescription drug, so users need to check and get a doctor's prescription before using it to ensure safety.
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