Uses of the drug Nalordia

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Nalordia is a drug packaged in the form of film-coated tablets belonging to the group of hormonal drugs. The main ingredient in Nalordia is Metformin hydrochloride (also known as Metformin HCl). The drug is effective in treating patients with diabetes, hyperglycemia,...

1. What is Nalordia?

Nalordia drug is known as a drug to help treat diabetes and hyperglycemia with the main ingredient being Metformin hydrochloride (content of 850mg) and other excipients.
Metformin is a biguanide that is resistant to hyperglycemia and lowers basal or postprandial blood sugar. It also does not stimulate insulin secretion, and therefore will not cause hypoglycemia in patients taking the drug. In addition to its antihyperglycemic effect, metformin also has a beneficial effect on the composition of blood lipids in subjects with type II diabetes.
With the effect of Nalordia, the drug is indicated for use in the following cases:
Patients with type II diabetes, especially in overweight patients when diet and exercise alone do not bring. desired effect in blood sugar control; For adults: Monotherapy or combination therapy with other oral antidiabetic agents or insulin; For children 10 years of age and older: As monotherapy or in combination with insulin. Contraindications to using Nalordia drug for the following subjects:
Hypersensitivity to the ingredients of Nalordia drug; Patients with ketoacidosis, diabetic pre-coma, renal failure, severe infection, dehydration, shock; Related radiographic tests using iodinated contrast media; Disease causing tissue hypoxia (heart failure, recent myocardial infarction, respiratory failure, shock), liver failure, acute alcohol intoxication; Alcoholism, major elective surgery; Women during lactation/pregnancy.

2. Instructions on how to take Nalordia

How to use: Take Nalordia orally. Swallow the film-coated tablet whole with enough water to swallow, without chewing. The drug can be taken with or after a meal, preferably with food.
Nalordia 500mg tablets: The starting dose is 1 tablet x 2 times/day, maximum is 4 tablets/day. Nalordia tablets 850mg: The starting dose is 1 tablet / day, the maximum dose is 3 tablets / day. Maintenance dose: 500mg or 850mg x 2-3 times/day. Missed dose: In the event that a dose of Nalordia is missed, a supplement should be taken as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose as scheduled. Do not take twice the prescribed dose.
Overdose : There are currently no reports or records of bad cases of overdose. However, if overdose or acute poisoning, bring the patient to the hospital as soon as possible for monitoring and advanced treatment in special conditions.

3. Nalordia side effects

The most common, most commonly reported side effect of the drug is gastrointestinal disturbances. In addition, there has not been any information about possible side effects during the use of Nalordia. Therefore, when experiencing any unusual symptoms that are suspected to be due to the use of drugs, it is necessary to immediately notify a doctor or medical professional to have the most effective measures to handle the symptoms.

4. Notes when using Nalordia

During the use of Nalordia, caution should be exercised when giving the drug to the following subjects:
Patients with kidney or liver failure; Elderly and children < 10 years old; Stop taking the drug when there is acute hypoxia or acute heart disease, dehydration, infection; With lactic acidosis, creatinine clearance should be determined prior to initiation of therapy and frequently thereafter, with metformin discontinuation 48 hours prior to radiographic or elective surgery, epidural or spinal cord, and only after renal function has been assessed for normal functioning; There is a risk of hypoglycaemia when used concurrently with insulin or other oral antidiabetic agents (eg, sulfonylurea, meglitinide).

5. Nalordia drug interactions

To ensure the safety as well as increase the therapeutic effect of Nalordia, users should avoid using the following products/drugs simultaneously:
Contrasts containing iodine, alcohol and alcohol-containing preparations; Use extreme caution when combined with: Glucocorticoids, beta 2 blockers, ACEIs or diuretics.
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