Uses of the drug Evacenema

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Evacenema is a rectal pump, with the main ingredients being Monobasic sodium phosphate and Dibasic sodium phosphate. Evacenema is used in cases such as constipation, laxatives used for bowel cleansing, preparation for rectal surgery, x-ray or colonoscopy.

1. What is Evacenema?

What is Evacenema? Evacenema is a rectal pump, with the main ingredients being Monobasic sodium phosphate 139.1 mg and Dibasic sodium phosphate 31.8 mg. The drug is produced in the form of a rectal pump solution. Evacenema comes in a tubular blue bottle containing a clear liquid; 118ml volume.
Evacenema medicine after being used, water will not be absorbed whether you take the drug with a single dose or multiple doses; Sodium is minimally absorbed, so the use of the drug is not harmful to the health of adults and those on a salt-restricted diet.
Drugs contain phosphate, the absorption of phosphate is related to how long the drug is stored in the body and is affected by the following factors: calcium concentration (low calcium concentration increases the absorption of phosphorus), growth hormone, Vitamin D, and parathyroid hormone (PTH). In healthy people, due to a compensatory mechanism that promotes urine excretion, phosphate is not retained in the body. However, increases in serum phosphate concentrations may occur in patients with renal insufficiency. The longer retention of Evarenema in the body increases the absorption of phosphorus.

2. Uses of the drug Evacenema

Evacenema is used in the following cases:
Treatment of constipation Used as a laxative for bowel cleansing Used for patients preparing for rectal surgery, x-ray or endoscopy.

3. Dosage - how to use the drug Evacenema

How to use: You put Evacenema medicine gently into the rectum until the catheter is completely inside, then gently squeeze the bottle to push the medicine into the body until the solution in the bottle is almost empty.
Dosage: You can refer to the dosage below or consult a doctor before using Evacenema:
Recommended dosage:
Adults take 1 bottle/time Children from 2 to 12 years old: take 1⁄ 2 bottles/time. Note: Do not use the drug in the following cases: Children under 2 years old, congenital megacolon, intestinal obstruction, no anus and congestive heart failure.

4. Undesirable effects of the drug Evacenema

Some undesirable effects that may be encountered when using this drug include: hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypernatremia, acidosis. If you have any of the above symptoms, you should notify your doctor immediately for advice.

5. Notes when using the drug Evacenema

Inform your doctor if you are allergic to any ingredient of the medicine or have a history of allergy to other substances, medical history or any discomfort while taking the medicine. Do not take any laxatives, including Evacenema, if you have symptoms such as stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Repeated use of the drug can lead to drug dependence. Use with caution in patients with impaired renal function, heart disease, a history of electrolyte disturbances or in patients taking calcium blockers, diuretics, or other drugs that may affect blood levels. electrolyte level. The drug is not used in pregnant and lactating women, inform your doctor for advice on choosing alternative products. The drug has not been reported to affect the ability to drive and use machines and equipment. Do not overdose unless directed by a physician. Do not keep the medicine out of reach of children. Store the medicine in a dry place, protected from light. Drug Interactions: Caution is advised when using calcium channel blockers, diuretics, or other drugs that may affect electrolyte levels.
Above is the information of the drug Evacenema, hopefully to help you better understand the uses, ingredients and usage of this drug. Readers, if they have any further questions about Evacenema, can discuss directly with their doctor/pharmacist for answers.
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