Uses of Bisarolax

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Bisarolax drug has the main active ingredient is Bisacodyl and other excipients in a sufficient amount. This is a medicine for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, indicated to treat constipation, increase intestinal motility, laxative effect, clean the intestines before and after surgery or performing tests. .

1. What is Bisarolax?

What is Bisarolax drug? Bisarolax medicine has the main active ingredient is Bisacodyl and other excipients in a sufficient amount. This is a medicine for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, indicated to treat constipation, increase intestinal motility, laxative effect, clean the intestines before and after surgery or performing tests. .
Bisarolax is made in the form of suppositories, suitable for anal use. Packaging is a box of 2 blisters and each blister contains 5 tablets.
1.1. Pharmacodynamics of the main active ingredient Bisacodyl Main active ingredient Bisacodyl is a topically acting laxative of the triarylmethane group, which, after hydrolysis, will stimulate the intestinal mucosa causing increased intestinal motility.
1.2. The effect of the main active ingredient Bisacodyl Bisarolax medicine contains the active ingredient Bisacodyl, which has the effect of cleaning the intestines, laxative, and supporting the relief of symptoms of constipation. The main active ingredient Bisacodyl is a drug belonging to the group of Triarylmethane, which after being put into the body will be absorbed and participate in the hydrolysis reaction. The product of the hydrolysis reaction irritates the intestinal mucosa, exerts an effect on intestinal smooth muscle and nerve plexus in the intestinal wall, thereby helping to increase gastrointestinal motility. In addition, the active ingredient Bisacodyl also increases the secretion of fluids and ions in the colon.

2. Effects of the drug Bisarolax

Bisarolax drug is used in the treatment of the following diseases:
Treats constipation and increases bowel movements. Use to help laxative in conditions that require easy defecation. Cleanse the bowel before and after surgery or tests.

3. Usage and dosage of Bisarolax drug

Usage and dosage of Bisarolax as follows:
3.1. Dosage of the drug Bisarolax Dosage to treat constipation
For children from 10 years of age and adults: Use 1 time per day, 1 tablet each time, taken at the time 10 to 40 minutes before bowel movements . For children from 6 years old to 10 years old: Use 1 time per day, each time use 1⁄2 tablets. For children under 6 years old, consult your doctor before use. Dosage for bowel cleansing before surgery
For children from 10 years of age and adults: The usual dose is 2 tablets for each bowel cleanse. One 10mg tablet is used in the evening and one is used in the morning the next day. For children from 6 years to 10 years: The usual dose is 1 tablet for each bowel cleansing. 1/2 tablet in the evening and 1/2 in the morning the next day. Dosage for bowel cleansing before X-ray
For children from 10 years old and adults: Before each X-ray, take 2 pills, 1 tablet each time and take 2 consecutive evenings . For children under 10 years old: Before each X-ray, take 1 tablet, 1/2 pill each time and take 2 consecutive evenings. 3.2. How to use Bisarolax effectively Bisarolax drug is prepared in the form of a suppository, suitable for use by placing rectally, so the steps to use are guided as follows:
Step 1: Use your hand to feel if the bullet is slightly air. You need to put in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 minutes, or if you don't have a refrigerator, put it in cold water so that the medicine can harden and be convenient to put. Step 2: Take the whole pill out of the shell, in case you only need to use 1⁄2 of the medicine, use a knife to divide the bullet into 2 parts. Step 3: Quickly dip the tablet in cool water for about 3 seconds. Step 4: Choose the most appropriate and comfortable position to place the pill. Bring the suppository to the rectum and gently push it in. Lie still for about 15 minutes after placement for the medication to settle.

4. In case of over/forgotten dose of Bisarolax

In case of missed dose: You need to take the dose as soon as you remember it. Skip the missed dose if it is too close to the time for your next dose, take the next dose as scheduled. It should be noted that absolutely do not double the prescribed dose. In case of overdose: Symptoms very rarely occur acute poisoning, manifested: abdominal pain, dehydration, especially in the elderly and children. Long-term use of the drug and overdose causes a decrease in serum potassium levels. If you accidentally overdose and appear serious unwanted effects, you need to rehydrate, electrolytes and immediately go to the nearest medical center or medical facilities for timely treatment.

5. Undesirable effects of the drug Bisarolax

When using Bisarolax, drug users may experience some undesirable effects, specifically as follows:
A slight burning sensation at the drug site, this is a common symptom when using the drug. this drug, which usually disappears after the drug has worn off. Stomach feels sore and increases spasms. Rectal bleeding. In addition, Bisarolax medicine can also cause loss of bowel reflex when you use the drug for a long time.
If during use you experience serious unwanted effects, such as rectal bleeding, you need to stop using this medicine immediately and notify your doctor for timely treatment.

6. Bisarolax drug interactions

Bisarolax may interact with some other drugs or products causing adverse reactions in the body.
Blood potassium levels can be reduced during long-term use of the drug. Therefore, taking Bisarolax with potassium-sparing diuretics or potassium supplements may decrease their effectiveness. Bisarolax should not be used together with antacids such as Cimetidine, Famotidine, Nizatidine. This is because drugs can cause harmful interactions in the body. To ensure safety and effectiveness, you should proactively inform your treating doctor about all medicines, health foods you are taking and other diseases you are suffering from for consideration and treatment by your doctor. give specific advice.

7. Some notes when using Bisarolax drug

During the use of Bisarolax, patients should note:
7.1. Bisarolax is not contraindicated to use Bisarolax in the following cases:
Do not use Bisarolax for subjects who are allergic or sensitive to the active ingredient Bisacodyl and other ingredients in the drug. People who are hypovolemic. People with intestinal obstruction or appendicitis. People who have just had or are about to have abdominal surgery. 7.2. Notes and precautions of Bisarolax Be careful when using Bisarolax in the following cases:
People with diarrhea or abdominal pain. Use with caution in exacerbation of hemorrhoids, anal fissures or bleeding proctitis. Use with caution in pregnant and lactating women. 7.3 Notes and cautions when using Bisarolax medicine Doctors recommend not to use Bisarolax for more than 1 week if there is no indication. If you have a disease that requires long-term treatment such as cardiovascular disease or allergies, you need to inform your treating doctor so that the dose of treatment can be adjusted accordingly. Do not eat or drink products containing stimulants during treatment. Do not arbitrarily stop using the drug, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the treating doctor. 7.4 Note the use of the drug in special subjects Bisarolax only for pregnant or lactating women when prescribed by a doctor and it is determined that the benefits of the drug outweigh the risks to the human body. mothers, fetuses and children. People who drive and use machines: Bisarolax 10mg does not affect the ability to drive and use machines. 7.5. Other Special Notes Long-term use of laxatives increases the risk of colon inactivity, inactivity and hypokalemia. Therefore, avoid using Bisarolax for more than 1 week, unless specifically directed by the treating physician.
Note: The use of laxatives or drugs Bisarolax is only a measure to support nutrition - living. Therefore, you still need to:
Increase fiber-rich foods (vegetables, fruits) and drink lots of water (filtered water, fruit juices). Do not sit for too long, exercise regularly, exercise properly. Practice defecation reflex at the same time every morning. 7.6. Drug storage conditions Store the tablets at a temperature below 30 degrees Celsius. Avoid exposing the medicine to direct sunlight. Keep medicine out of sight and reach of children to minimize the risk of children taking this medicine by mistake. Do not use the medicine after the expiry date printed on the product packaging. Above is all information about Bisarolax drug, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy Bisarolax to treat diseases at home, because there may be unwanted side effects on health.
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