Uses of Terapep

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What is Terapep? Terapep belongs to the group of analgesics, antipyretics, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs for the treatment of Gout and joint diseases. The drug is used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, internal inflammation, surgery... The use of Terapep drug in treatment requires the appointment of a specialist doctor.

1. Composition and uses of Terapep drug

Terapep drug has Serratiopeptidase as the main ingredient and other active ingredients and excipients in sufficient quantity provided by the manufacturer.
Currently, Terapep drug has 2 strengths of 10mg and 2.5mg. The dosage of the drug is different depending on the medical condition.
With the composition and use on the drug Terapep is indicated for the following subjects:
Used for people with inflammatory diseases after surgery or after trauma. Surgical treatment: internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids and anal prolapse. Ear, nose, throat: sinusitis, nasal polyps, otitis media, pharyngitis. Medical treatment: combined with antibiotics in cases of infection, phlegm in lung diseases such as bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis. Dental: periodontitis, alveolar abscess, wisdom tooth pocket, after tooth extraction and after maxillofacial surgery. Ophthalmology: eye hemorrhage, cataract. Obstetrics and gynecology: breast enlargement, tear or perineal suture. Urology: cystitis and epididymitis. In addition, doctors and pharmacists also prescribe Terapep drug to treat a few other complicated medical conditions.

2. Terapep drug dosage

Terapep comes in tablet form so it is ideal to take it with water. Do not crush or break the medicine, as this may affect the effectiveness of the medicine. The drug should be taken after meals.
Reference dosage of Terapep is as follows:
Oral: 5 - 10 mg/time x 3 times/24 hours It should be noted that the above dose is for reference only, will depend on each medical condition, age, Doctors have different prescriptions. It is important for the patient to take the medication exactly as prescribed. Another note is that patients actively share with their doctors and pharmacists what special drugs, supplements, prescriptions, and non-prescriptions they are taking. Thereby, the doctor will consider and advise the appropriate dose to avoid drug resistance that may occur.

3. Matters needing attention during treatment with Terapep drug

In order for the drug process to have the best effect, patients should pay attention to the following issues:
3.1 Objects contraindicated Terapep drug is contraindicated for the following subjects:
People who are hypersensitive to the ingredients. Women who are pregnant and nursing, the ingredients in Terapep can cross the placenta and breast milk, causing negative effects on the health of the baby, so special attention should be paid. People with liver failure, kidney failure requiring a kidney, diabetics need to be very careful when using Terapep Some children are not in the target group for which the drug is recommended, so parents need to be especially careful. Contraindication is understood as not taking the drug in all cases, unless directed by a qualified doctor.
3.2 Does Terapep cause side effects? Like many other specific drugs, Terapep has some undesirable side effects during use. However, this case is usually not many, mainly in subjects with sensitive terrain, overuse of drugs or overdose of drugs.
A few common side effects when using Terapep drugs such as: Skin allergies, urticaria, diarrhea, anorexia, irritability and nausea...
These side effects are assessed to be quite mild, not seriously affect health. Usually these reactions will improve and disappear gradually after stopping the drug, so patients should not be too worried. To be more sure you can talk more with your prescribing doctor.
In addition, in order to minimize unnecessary side effects, users should pay attention to the following issues:
Use prescription drugs, do not arbitrarily increase or decrease the dose Drugs should be used at the same time During the treatment with Terapep, the patient should not use alcohol, tobacco, or alcoholic beverages. Minimize the case of missed dose, overdose. If a missed dose occurs, make up the dose immediately if it is less than 2 hours after the missed dose. Overdose has not been determined to be life-threatening, but can cause some mild reactions. Therefore, it is advisable to minimize the missed dose, overdose if this problem often occurs, it will affect the duration of treatment. Limit the combination of Terapep with many other specific drugs, because there is a risk of cross-reactivity or interaction between drugs. 3.3 Precautions for storing Terapep drugs Terapep is recommended to be stored as follows: Keep the drug in a dry place, avoid moisture, because it may affect the drug structure Keep out of reach of children In summary, Terapep belongs to the group of drugs. pain relief, fever reducer, Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Group, Gout Treatment and Osteoarthritis... Before taking medicine to treat any disease, the patient should also discuss with the doctor, pharmacist to be Prescribe medication in the safest and most effective way.

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