Uses of Tangeran

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Tangelan is a medicine indicated for the treatment of dizziness of various etiologies. The drug cuts off all stimulation to the vestibule, thereby helping to reduce dizziness. So how should Tangelan be used?

1. What are the uses of Tangelan?

The main ingredient of the drug Tangelan is N-Acetyl-D or L-Leucin 500mg, made in the form of tablets.
L-Leucin is a derivative of leucine, which is one of the most powerful vertigo relievers available today. When infected, the patient has manifestations such as loss of balance, unsteadiness, unsteadiness, a feeling of floating, dizziness when changing positions or turning the head, dizziness, tinnitus and can often be accompanied by symptoms. followed by nausea and vomiting. Using the drug Tangelan helps to relieve these symptoms. The mechanism of action of the drug is to repolarize the membrane, increasing the membrane polarization of hair cells in the vestibule and nerve cells of the vestibular organs. Therefore, the vestibular organ will not be stimulated by external agents. Stabilizing the vestibule will help control vertigo.
The drug is taken in both pill and injectable form. Usually, when dizziness is mild and moderate, the tablet form should be used.
Tangelan is indicated for use in the following cases: Dizziness in any state, positional vertigo, stimulant dizziness, vertigo caused by hypertension, poisoning, drug, migraine, reflex dizziness.

2. Dosage and how to use the drug Tangelan

How to use: The drug Tangelan is taken orally, should be taken with meals.
Adults: Take 3-4 tablets / day, divided into 2 times morning and evening, the average treatment time is from 10 days to about 6 weeks. At the beginning of treatment if the condition is severe or when the treatment is not effective, the dose can be increased to 6-8 tablets per day, divided into two oral doses. Missed dose and overdose:
Missed dose: If a dose is forgotten, it should be taken as soon as the patient remembers. If it is almost time for your next dose when you remember to take Tangelan, skip the missed dose. Do not take 2 doses of Tangelan at the same time to make up for a missed dose. Overdose of Tangelan: There is no specific treatment for an overdose of Tangelan. In case of suspected overdose, discontinue use immediately and treat symptomatically. In a serious emergency, call an ambulance to get the patient to the hospital.

3. Contraindications of the drug Tangelan

Do not use Tangelan in the following cases:
The patient has a history of hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the drug. Allergic or intolerant to gluten, because the drug contains tapioca. Pregnant and lactating women.

4. Tangelan side effects

Rarely occur side effects of the drug such as: rash, sometimes the use of the drug is associated with itching, urticaria. Also, like all medicines, taking this medicine can cause discomfort in some people.
If the side effects of the drug persist or are severe, consult your doctor immediately.

5. Notes when using the drug Tangelan

You need to tell your doctor about your allergy history before taking the medicine.
Do not exceed the prescribed dose, when it does not decrease, increase the dose step by step, not take too much by yourself.
If after taking oral medication but not effective, you should visit a doctor to be prescribed appropriate medication.
Store the medicine in a cool, dry place. Do not use medicine Overdue use. To medicines out of reach of children.
Above is some information about the drug Tangelan. If you still have any questions, please consult your doctor for the best understanding.

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