Uses of Tamsustad

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Tamsustad is a prescription medication for prostate cancer. To use the drug safely, let's learn more about what Tamsustad does, how to use it and how to use it in the following article.

1. What is Tamsustad?

Tamsustad is a prescription drug on the list of drugs to support the treatment of the urinary tract. Tamsustad drug is manufactured by Stada-Vietnam - VIETNAM Joint Venture Co., Ltd., under registration number VD - 2243 - 06.
The main ingredients in Tamsustad include active ingredient Tamsulosin hydrochloride and other active ingredients as announced by Tamsustad. producer. Tamsustad is available in capsule form. Each box of Tamsustad has 3 blisters x 10 tablets.
The Tamsustad pill box is white, red green, the drug name is printed in blue, and the ingredients are printed in light green.

2. What does Tamsustad do?

Tamsustad has the main ingredient Tamsulosin hydrochloride (Tamsulosin HCl). This is an α-1 receptor antagonist with selective action on the α-1 receptor in the male prostate gland. About 70% of these receptors in the prostate are α-1A receptors.
Smooth muscle cells are controlled by stimulation of α-1 receptors of the sympathetic nervous system, which are abundant in the prostate gland, glandular follicles, urinary tract, bladder neck.
When these receptors are blocked, it then releases the smooth muscles in the prostate and bladder neck from the excited state. The result of this release is an increase in the flow rate of urine. Thereby reducing the benign prostatic hyperplasia syndrome
Tamsulosin contained in the drug Tamsustad helps to treat benign prostate tumors in the group of subjects without the background of hypertension. Tamsustad causes an α-blocker, reducing pressure by inhibiting α-receptors in the smooth muscle of peripheral blood vessels in body tissues.
The α receptor is likened to a part of the sympathetic system, similar to the β receptor. However, α-receptors cause peripheral vasoconstriction, which helps to inhibit α, which causes vasodilation and thereby helps to reduce pressure.
Tamsustad drug is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, peak plasma concentrations are reached 6 hours after a single dose. The half-life ranges from 10 to 15 hours. Tamsustad is slowly eliminated by the liver and kidneys, both as metabolites and as unchanged drug.

3. Indications to use Tamsustad

Tamsustad is indicated for subjects with prostate hyperplasia but no underlying hypertension.

4. Dosage, how to use Tamsustad

Tamsustad is taken orally directly with filtered water, excluding stimulant drinks, alcohol, milk, tea... You can take the whole Tamsustad tablet with water, do not open the tablet, chew it to make sure effective guarantee.
Tamsustad dosage according to the manufacturer's recommendations is to take 1 tablet / day after the main meal about half an hour. For the best effect, Tamsustad should be taken at the same time of day.
In case the patient does not respond to a dose of 1 tablet 0.4mg for a period of 2-4 weeks, the dose should be adjusted to double to 0.8mg/day. However, if treatment is stopped or interrupted for several days at a dose of 0.4mg or 0.8mg Tamsustad, when resuming treatment, a dose of 0.4mg/day must be started.
Dosage of Tamsustad for the elderly, if over 55 years old, does not need to be adjusted. For special subjects such as renal/liver failure, no dose adjustment is required.

5. Contraindications Tamsustad

Tamsustad is not used for the following groups of people:
Severe liver failure; Hypersensitivity to ingredients contained in Tamsustad. If you are in the group of contraindications, you should not take Tamsustad.

6. Interaction Tamsustad

When used with caution, pay attention to some Tamsustad interactions as follows:
Do not use with alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonists; Caution when co-administered with Cimetidine; Warfarin ; Nifedipine; Atenolol; Enalapril; Digoxin and theophyllin; Furosemide. Tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking when you are prescribed Tamsustad.

7. Side effects of Tamsustad

While taking Tamsustad you may experience some side effects including:
Headache; Infection; Attenuate; Backache ; Chest pain; Dizzy; lethargy; Insomnia; Decreased sex drive; Rhinitis ; Pharyngitis; Cough a lot; Sinusitis ; Diarrhea; Nausea; Dental disease; Blurred vision; Ejaculation abnormalities. Monitor and inform your doctor/pharmacist of these side effects when taking Tamsustad to be managed.

8. Warnings and cautions when taking Tamsustad

Some of the warnings and cautions given by the manufacturer when taking Tamsustad include:
Need to check for prostate cancer before Tamsustad therapy. Because prostate cancer and prostatic hyperplasia have similar symptoms, often co-occurring; When taking Tamsustad, a drop in blood pressure may occur. This symptom should be informed to the patient by medical staff before using Tamsustad; Warn patients about the risk of unconsciousness when using Tamsustad; When using Tamsustad you may experience some side effects such as dizziness, lightheadedness, headache... Therefore, in the group of subjects who drive, operate machinery using Tamsustad should be cautious.

9. Tamsustad overdose and management

When an overdose occurs, it is necessary to treat:
Support the cardiovascular system; Restore blood pressure; Heart rate regulation. You need to lie on your back. If this method of management of Tamsustad overdose is not effective, intravenous fluids or vasopressors should be used. Pay attention to monitor kidney function for patients.
Tamsustad is a medicine to treat prostate hyperplasia. The drug is effective in treating benign prostate tumors in patients without high blood pressure. This is a prescription drug, when used, it is necessary to consult, prescribed by a doctor. Store Tamsustad at room temperature.

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