Uses of Sulfur

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Sulfar medicine is indicated in the treatment of wound infections, sores and skin burns... Let's learn about the uses, the notes when using Sulfar drugs through the article below.

1. Uses of Sulfar

Sulfar 8g medicine contains the active ingredient Sulfanilamide 2.4g in the form of a powder for external use. The active ingredient Sulfanilamide belongs to the group of Sulfinamide antibacterial substances similar in structure to Para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA). Sulfanilamide acts as a competitive inhibitor of PABA-related reactions, interfering with nucleic acid synthesis in susceptible bacteria. PABA is necessary for the production of folic acid for bacterial growth and multiplication, and acts as a coenzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of Pyrimidine and Purines. The spectrum of action of the drug includes Gram-positive, Gram-negative bacteria and some other bacteria.
Sulfar medicine is indicated in the treatment of wound infections, sores and skin burns...

2. Dosage of the drug Sulfar

Sulfar 2.4 is used by the skin route, the dose is adjusted depending on the severity of the patient's pathology.
Sulfar is prepared in the form of a sprinkled powder, the patient needs to clean the damaged skin area (with hydrogen peroxide, diluted Gynofar solution) before using the drug. Apply the medicine directly to the affected area and avoid contact with water.
The recommended dose of Sulfar is as follows:
Adults: Sprinkle powder on the wound 2-3 times a day; Children: Sprinkle powder on the wound 1-2 times/day. During treatment with Sulfar, patients need to follow the instructions and instructions of the treating doctor, do not arbitrarily adjust the dose to achieve the desired effect.

3. Side effects of the drug Sulfar

Sulfar 8g drug can cause some side effects as follows:
Common: Irritation in the area of ​​application such as red skin, skin rash, blistering, swelling or peeling; Uncommon: Red eyes, fatigue, sores in the mouth, nose, throat or eyes. Side effects caused by Sulfar are very rare. However, in the course of drug treatment, if the patient appears unwanted effects or any unusual symptoms, it is necessary to notify the doctor or immediately go to the medical facility for examination.

4. Notes when using Sulfar

4.1. Contraindications The use of Sulfar is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients are sensitive to Sulfanilamide or any of its ingredients; Do not apply the medicine to large areas of skin or severe skin damage; Patients with severe renal failure; People with atopic dermatitis. 4.2. Precautions for use Do not use Sulfar after 2 months of opening or when the number of uses indicated on the label has been exhausted;
Use the correct dose of Sulfar, do not increase or decrease the dose on your own, because it increases the risk of hypersensitivity reactions or reduces the effectiveness of the patient's treatment.
Keep Sulfar medicine out of the reach of children to avoid the risk of children eating the wrong product which can lead to serious damage to the gastrointestinal tract.
Patients must not arbitrarily stop using the drug, but should follow the doctor's instructions, reduce the dose of the drug should be done slowly, because abrupt discontinuation of the drug can cause a decrease in the body's immunity and increase symptoms of some diseases.
Store the medicine at room temperature, in a cool and dry condition, at a room temperature of about 30oC. Keep the Sulfar cap tightly closed after use.

5. Drug interactions

Potential interactions between Sulfanilamide and concomitant drugs have been reported. However, in the process of using the drug can occur interactions that increase the risk of having effects and reduce the therapeutic effect of Sulfar drugs. Therefore, to ensure safety and effectiveness in treatment, patients need to inform their doctors about the drugs and foods they are using before taking Sulfar.
Sulfar 8g drug containing the active ingredient Sulfanilamide 2.4g is indicated in the treatment of wound infections, sores and skin burns. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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