Uses of Sulfartylene

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Sulfartylene is a combination of the main active ingredients: Sodium Sulfacetamide 500mg and Methylene Blue 0.15mg. The drug is widely used in ophthalmology to treat eye diseases such as inflammation, corneal ulcers, trachoma... So what is the effect of Sulfartylene? Let's read the article below.

1. What is the effect of Sulfartylene?

The drug has the main ingredients including sodium sulfacetamide and methylene blue with antibacterial and antiseptic properties, the mechanism of drug action is due to the combination of the above active ingredients.
Sodium sulfacetamide is a derivative of the group of Sulfamide antibiotics, which inhibits protein synthesis by binding to the 30S component of the bacterial ribosome. Sulfacetamide has bacteriostatic, water-soluble, broad-spectrum effects on Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, including Chlamydia trachomatis. In the form of eye drops, small amounts can be absorbed into the cornea.
Methylene blue is used to disinfect (local skin, urinary tract, genitals), stain tissues (stain bacteria, find holes...) as well as detoxify cyanide, nitroprusiat...

2. Indications and contraindications of Sulfartylene

2.1. Indications Sulfartylene is indicated in the following pathologies:
Diseases with inflammation of the eye area such as pink eye (conjunctivitis), corneal ulceration of the eye. In combination with systemic sulfamid antibiotics in the treatment of trachoma. 2.2. Contraindications Sulfartylene should not be used in cases where the patient is sensitive to Sulfamide, methylene blue or excipients contained in the drug. Children under 60 days of age are also not allowed to prescribe.

3. Dosage and how to use Sulfartylene

The drug is used in the form of drops. Before instilling the medicine, make sure your hands are clean. Open the vial, drop the solution under the conjunctival sac by looking up. One hand pulls the lower eyelid down, the other hand drops the medicine, closes the eye so that the medicine is spread evenly over the treatment area, wipes off the excess medicine. Do not let the dropper tip of the vial touch your eyelids or eyes.
Instill in the affected eye 1-2 drops each time, the interval between each drop is about 2-3 hours.

4. Undesirable effects of the drug Sulfartylene

The drug solution in the form of drops has a local therapeutic effect, so in clinical practice, when using Sulfartylene, there are few serious adverse effects that require stopping the use of the drug. Eye irritation and burning may occur.
However, if you experience other unusual effects that cause discomfort, the patient should stop taking the drug and should consult a doctor.

5. Notes when using Sulfartylene

Notes when using Sulfartylene are as follows:
It is necessary to inform your doctor about all medicines you are taking, because they may affect the effects of Sulfartylene such as: Gentamicin Sulfate antibiotics, drugs containing silver in the formula , the drug is a derivative of para-Aminobenzoic Acid. Sulfartylene eye drops should only be used for up to 15 days from the date they are started. Do not use medicine that has expired, has mold, is cloudy or changes color of solution. Store the vial in a cool, dry place, not directly exposed to light, at a suitable temperature of 15 - 30°C, tightly close the lid of the medicine each time you use it. Sulfartylene can be used in pregnant and breastfeeding women. People who drive or operate machinery and equipment can safely use the drug because it does not affect the ability to concentrate and pay attention at work. Above is information about the drug Sulfartylene. Before using the drug, the patient should actively update information about the drug to understand the effects of the drug, contact the doctor, an eye doctor for eye examination and advice.

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