Trachoma: Causes, symptoms and treatment

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Hoang Thanh Nga - Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital.

Trachoma is one of the causes of vision loss. The disease is caused by bacteria, so it can develop and spread into an epidemic. Early recognition of the signs of the disease and proper early treatment is the best way to avoid complications caused by the disease.

1. What is trachoma?

Trachoma is an inflammatory disease of the conjunctiva and cornea caused by the bacterium Chlamydia Trachomatis, the disease has a chronic progression, is highly contagious and is easily spread into an epidemic by direct contact with eye secretions or through contact through the eyes. sharing objects with an infected person.
Due to the basic lesion of the disease is the eyeballs. The disease can get worse, the granules enlarge and float on the surface, these granules can break and form a conjunctival scar. Severe scarring causes the lash cartilage to shorten and the eyelid margin to turn inward, causing the development of ingrown hairs.
If the trich is not treated, it will lead to corneal ulceration, corneal perforation, endophthalmitis affecting vision, even permanent blindness. In addition, there are some complications caused by trachoma that also affect vision such as dry eyes, blepharitis ...

2. Causes of trachoma

Trachoma is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia Trachomatis. Some characteristics of the bacteria that cause trachoma include:
Chlamydia Trachomatis, in addition to causing eye disease, can also cause trachoma in the urogenital tract in humans. They have 15 different serotypes that can cause diseases in the eyes and genitals. The ability of this bacteria to survive very well in cold environments can live for weeks at low temperatures, with high temperatures they die at 50 degrees Celsius within 15 minutes. Outside the human body, does not survive more than 24 hours. The cause of the disease is bacteria, but there are a number of factors that increase the risk of disease such as:
Low living conditions create conditions for infectious bacteria to live and grow. Live in crowded conditions. People who live in confined spaces also have a higher risk of infection and the ability to spread it more easily. Poor hygiene and lack of hygiene, hands and especially eyes make the disease more contagious. Age: Children between 4 and 6 years old are the most susceptible to trachoma.

Vi khuẩn Chlamydia Trachomatis là 1 trong các nguyên nhân gây bệnh mắt hột
Vi khuẩn Chlamydia Trachomatis là 1 trong các nguyên nhân gây bệnh mắt hột

3. Symptoms of trachoma

Manifestations usually appear on both eyes, including symptoms such as:
Mild eye irritation, eyelid swelling, eye and eyelid irritation. There are many eye discharges containing a lot of mucus or purulent discharge. Sensation of eye pain, sensitivity to light, discharge. Pimples appear in the eyes: These are round, slightly raised, gray-white and vascular organizations above. The location usually appears in the upper eyelid conjunctiva or can be the lower eyelid conjunctiva, the same map, the corneal margin. There are often many seeds, the size may be irregular, from 0.5-1mm. Appearance of papillae with characteristics: These are pink, polygonal-shaped masses with a vascular axis in the middle, radiating capillaries around. Scars: Typically appearing on the upper eyelid conjunctiva, are white fibrous bands of star-shaped, branched reticular formation. This is a lesion that shows that trachoma disease has progressed for a long time. When there is a scar on the upper eyelid conjunctiva, it will cause the eyelashes to grow back, rubbing against the cornea causing damage, recurrent inflammation affecting vision.

4. Treatment methods for trachoma

Treatment depends on the stage and current characteristics of the patient. Includes medical and surgical treatment.

4.1 Medical treatment

The disease is caused by bacteria, so it is necessary to use antibiotics to treat it. The antibiotic treatment options offered include:
Use of the antibiotic azithromycin as a single dose within 1 year, repeated 6 months to 1 year later due to the possibility of disease recurrence. This method has the advantage of having a good effect, easy to take, only one dose, so it is not forgotten. However, the drug cannot be used for pregnant and lactating women, children under 1 year old and children weighing less than 8kg... Oral antibiotic erythromycin: Use 3 times a day within 3 weeks. Apply 1% tetracycline grease: Apply 2 times a day continuously for 6 months. This method is also quite simple, but it takes a long time, so the patient may forget the medicine. In addition to one of the three specific measures above, when medical treatment should be noted:
Need to clean personal hygiene with clean water, especially clean eyes with physiological saline. Do not share personal hygiene and eye hygiene items with family members. Combine treatment for family members. However, it is necessary to follow the instructions of medical staff, not to arbitrarily treat and abuse antibiotics. Apply artificial tears to prevent dry eyes and supplement with vitamins.

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Duy trì tra nước mắt nhân tạo để chống khô mắt

4.2 Surgical treatment

When ingrown hairs appear, it should be combined with entropion surgery. To reduce the risk of complications caused by trichiasis.
Diseases caused by bacteria should be proactively prevented by cleaning the body and eyes with clean water every day. Recognize and detect early signs of disease for early treatment.
To examine and treat eye diseases, you can go to the Eye specialist - Vinmec International General Hospital. The department has a comprehensive vision and eye health care function for children, adults and the elderly including refractive error testing, general examination, diagnostic ultrasound, laser treatment and surgery. In addition, ophthalmology also has the task of coordinating with other clinical departments in the treatment of pathological complications and eye injuries caused by accidents.
Why should you choose to examine and treat eye diseases at Vinmec International General Hospital?
Simple and quick procedure. Enthusiastic advice and support, reasonable and convenient examination process. Comprehensive facilities, including a system of clinics and consultations, blood collection room, dining room, waiting area for customers... The medical staff has high professional qualifications, style. Professional, caring way of working.

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