Uses of Stomaps

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Stomaps is a medicine made in the form of hard capsules, derived from herbs. The drug is used in the treatment of stomach diseases, gastric reflux, nausea after eating. Dosage, usage and side effects of Stomaps will be available in the article below.

1. What is Stomaps?

What is Stomaps drug? Stomaps are classified as medicines of herbal and animal origin. With main ingredients from Truong Thuat, Tran Bi, Cam Thao, Hau sketch. Stomaps is mainly used in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease, symptoms of wanting to vomit after eating, epigastric pain and congestion. The ingredients in each Stomaps capsule are as follows
Truong Thu 530mg Cedar 270mg Licorice 130mg Afternoon 400mg

2. Uses of Stomaps

With main ingredients from natural herbs, each ingredient plays a different role in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease and anti-vomiting. Specifically, the main ingredient of Stomaps is like a string of irregular beads and a round cylinder, 3-9cm long, with a strong aroma, a strong and slightly sweet taste with a bitter taste. Atractylodin, b-eudesmol, hinesol and hydroxy atractylon essential oils are used in the treatment of abdominal distension, epigastric distension, anorexia, and nausea. Truong art is used in combination with the post-outcry and the ceiling in the form of an average canopy.
Ceiling is the second ingredient of Stomaps that stimulates gastric secretion, benefits the digestive tract, relaxes smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines.

3. Indications to use Stomaps

Stomaps is used in the following cases
Patients with gastroesophageal reflux Want to vomit after eating Diarrhea immediately after eating Congestive inflammation Feeling pain in the epigastrium

4. Contraindications to the use of Stomaps

Stomaps drug up to now only records the following people who are not allowed to use the drug:
Contraindicated for children under 5 years of age, pregnant women Patients who do not respond to or are sensitive to any of the ingredients in this product. Stomaps

5. Dosage & how to use Stomaps

Stomaps is made in the form of hard capsules, taken orally, so patients only need to drink with a full glass of water. Specific dosage is as follows:
Dosage for children over 15 years old and adults: 3 tablets each time, 2-3 times a day Dosage for children from 10 to 15 years old: 2 tablets each time, take from 10 to 15 years old. 2-3 times Dosage for children from 5 to 10 years old: 1 tablet each time, 2-3 times a day.

6. Side effects of Stomaps

Currently, there is no document documenting the specific side effects of Stomaps, but above all, patients need to use the right dosage to avoid unwanted symptoms. In particular, do not use a double dose in case the previous dose is forgotten.

7. Notes when using Stomaps

Note when using Stomaps as follows:
The oral dose of Stomaps must be according to each age and doctor's instructions, absolutely do not increase the dose, double the dose. In case of using Stomaps with side effects, immediately stop taking the drug and notify the doctor for timely treatment interventions. The drug should be used with caution in the following patients: patients with heat, sputum, negative yin, dry cough, and hemoptysis. Long-term use of Stomaps has the potential to harm the patient's qi. Stomaps belongs to the group of stomach drugs extracted from herbs and animals. The drug is used in the treatment of symptoms of stomach pain, epigastric pain, nausea and diarrhea after meals. The drug is suitable for many ages with different doses, so it is necessary to pay attention to taking prescription drugs to achieve the best effect.

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