Uses of Stomafar

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Stomafar is a combination of ingredients including: Aluminum hydroxide 400mg and Magnesium hydroxide 400mg. Stomafar drug is used to neutralize stomach acid in peptic ulcer, flatulence, heartburn, gastritis, heartburn, ..... The drug is indicated in cases such as: Gastritis , Gastroesophageal reflux, ....

1. What is Stomafar?

Stomafar medicine is a combination of ingredients including:
Aluminum hydroxide 400mg Magnesium hydroxide 400mg Stomafar drug is used to neutralize stomach acid in peptic ulcer, flatulence, heartburn, gastritis, heartburn , .....
In addition to the 2 main active ingredients above, Stomafar also contains excipients such as sorbitol, sucrose, lactose, .... which helps to ensure the volume, solubility, and stability of a pill.
The drug is in the form of round, mint-flavored tablets.

2. Uses of the drug Stomafar

Stomafar medicine is specifically indicated in the following cases:
Patients with digestive disorders caused by excess stomach acid such as: peptic ulcer, gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease. Intestinal irritation and spasms, duodenitis , esophagitis. Flatulence, abdominal discomfort, heartburn, epigastric pain. In addition, the drug Stomafar is also indicated in some other cases when prescribed by a doctor.

3. Contraindications of Stomafar

Stomafar should not be used in the following patients:
Have a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in stomafar. People with severe kidney failure because of the risk of further damage to the kidneys because the drug contains magnesium. Patients with angle-closure glaucoma, paralytic ileus, pyloric stenosis, hypophosphataemia patients. Children due to the risk of aluminum toxicity.

4. Dosage and how to use Stomafar

Stomafar is used as prescribed by the doctor. You can refer to the dosage of Stomafar as follows:
Dosage of Stomafar in adolescents 16 years of age and older and the elderly:
Used to treat peptic ulcers and gastritis: Chew 1-2 thoroughly. tablets / time every 4 hours / time, maximum dose 6 times / day, do not use more than 12 tablets / day. Used to treat increased gastric acid secretion: Chew 1-2 tablets thoroughly / time after eating or when needed, the maximum dose should not exceed 6 times / day, do not use more than 12 tablets / day. The maximum recommended dose of Stomafar for the treatment of symptoms of digestive disorders and dyspepsia: Do not use the drug for more than 2 weeks. How to use Stomafar: Chew the tablet thoroughly for as long as possible, take it 1-3 hours after 3 meals and before going to bed or every time you have pain.

5. Side effects of Stomafar

The drug Stomafar can cause unwanted effects such as possible onset: intestinal motility disorders (constipation or diarrhea), phosphorus loss due to high doses or long-term use because the drug contains aluminum, increased calcium urology, osteoporosis.

6. Caution

Patients with edema, cirrhosis, renal failure, congestive heart failure, patients on a low-sodium diet, people who have recently had gastrointestinal bleeding. Patients with galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.

7. Drug interactions

Stomafar may interact with the following drugs:
When co-administered with Stomafar the absorption of drugs such as: tetracycline, digoxin, indomethcin, isoniazid, allopurinol, ranitidine, ketoconazole, benzodiazepines, phenothiazines, corticosteroids, itraconazole, quinolones, penicillin will be reduced. Due to its aluminum content, Stomafar may interfere with the absorption of some drugs such as vitamins, levothyroxine, hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, rifampicin, chlorpromazine, cefpodoxim, cefdinir, rosuvastatin when used together. Concomitant administration of Stomafar with citrates may increase aluminum concentrations. Co-administration of Stomafar with polystyrene sulphonate may reduce the effect of potassium-binding resins, increase the risk of metabolic alkalosis in patients with renal failure, and increase the risk of intestinal obstruction.

8. Stomfar drug storage

Store Stomafar at room temperature, in a cool, dry place, away from light and reach of children.

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