Uses of Stadovas 10 tabs

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Stadovas 10 is used in the treatment of hypertension, chronic angina or vasospasm. So how is Stadovas 10 used and what should be noted in the process of using Stadovas 10 to treat diseases?

1. What is Stadovas 10?

What is Stadovas 10? Stadovas 10 contains Amlodipine 10mg which exists in the form of Amlodipine besylate 13.88mg, along with other active ingredients such as Microcrystallin cellulose, anhydrous dicalcium phosphate, sodium starch glycolate, magnesium stearate just enough to make tablets.

2. Indications and contraindications of Stadovas 10

Stadovas 10 tap is indicated for treatment in the following cases:
Controlling essential hypertension for patients Treating stable angina Treating vasoconstrictor angina Besides, Stadovas 10 is contraindicated in the following cases:
People with hypersensitivity to derivatives of Dihydropyridine, Amlodipine or any ingredient of the drug People with severe hypotension. Person in shock, with a history of shock (including cardiogenic shock). Patients with left ventricular outflow tract obstruction such as severe aortic stenosis. Patients with heart failure due to hemodynamic instability after acute myocardial infarction

3. Dosage and how to use Stadovas 10

Stadovas 10 is used orally, so patients should take it in the morning to effectively control blood pressure for the whole day.
Based on the actual condition of each person's disease, the treating doctor will adjust the dose appropriately and effectively. In general, the following doses of Stadovas 10 will be based and referenced:
The starting dose for the treatment of hypertension and angina is 5mg once daily. An increase in the dose of Stadovas 10 may be considered, depending on the individual patient's clinical response. Patients with hypertension can be used in combination with other antihypertensive drugs such as: Thiazide diuretics, alpha blockers, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors. In case of angina patients, Stadovas 10 can be used alone or in combination with other antispasmodic drugs. For people with angina resistant to nitrates and/or beta-blockers at appropriate doses as prescribed by the treating physician. No dose adjustment of Stadovas 10 is required when co-administered with other drugs. Children from 6-17 years old for treatment of hypertension:
Stadovas 10 starting dose is 2.5mg/time/day. May increase to 5mg/day if blood pressure has not been stabilized after 4 weeks of using Stadovas 10.
Children under 6 years
There are no data demonstrating safety and efficacy, Stadovas 10 is not recommended.
Use according to the usual recommended dose, the treating physician should be cautious when increasing the dose of Stadovas 10.
For patients with hepatic impairment:
Mild, moderate hepatic impairment: Not established recommended dosage. Therefore, the doctor advised to be careful when choosing the dose and if using Stadovas 10 should start with the lowest dose. Severe hepatic impairment: Stadovas 10 should be started at the lowest dose, then slowly titrated up. For patients with renal impairment
Use Stadovas 10 at the usual recommended dosage.

4. Treatment of overdose or missed dose of Stadovas 10

If the patient forgets to take Stadovas 10 as prescribed, it should be taken as soon as he remembers. If the missed dose is too close to the time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and continue as usual. Absolutely patients do not use to make up for the dose and take twice as much.
When an overdose of Stadovas 10 is prescribed, the patient may face the following symptoms:
Peripheral vasodilation and accompanied by tachycardia. Excessively low blood pressure, which can lead to shock and death if not treated promptly and properly. In cases of overdose Stadovas 10 tab, the patient will be treated as follows:
After taking the overdose 2 hours, the patient is prescribed to use activated charcoal to reduce the absorption of Amlodipine in Stadovas 10 Some cases In case, the patient needs gastric lavage, combined with active cardiovascular support measures, monitoring circulatory function, respiratory function, urine flow regularly. Patients can be used vasopressors in combination to restore vascular tone and blood pressure if there are no contraindications. In addition, intravenous calcium gluconate can be performed to reverse the calcium channel blocker effect in the patient's body. Ideally, in case of drug overdose, the patient should immediately go to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment.

5. Stadovas 10 . drug interactions

The Amlodipine component of Stadovas 10 is safe when used with diuretics such as hiazides, alpha blockers, beta blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. Besides, Amlodipine does not affect the plasma protein binding of drugs such as Digoxin, Phenytoin, Warfarin or Indomethacin. In addition, patients receiving 10 mg of Stadovas 10 in combination with 80 mg of Simvastatin had an increased risk of a 77% increase in exposure to Simvastatin. If the patient is taking Amlodipine, the dose of Simvastatin should be limited to 20 mg/day.

6. Side effects of Stadovas 10

During the use of Stadovas 10, patients may experience some of the following side effects:
Headache, dizziness, somnolence, nervousness, palpitations Abdominal pain, nausea Fatigue, edema Symptoms Side effects are less common, but patients should not be subjective such as:
Decrease in white blood cells, platelets. Increased blood sugar. Insomnia, trouble sleeping, mood swings. Paresthesias, unconsciousness, hypertonia, tremor, extrapyramidal and taste disturbances, peripheral neuropathy. Visual impairment. Tinnitus. Hypotension, vasculitis. Cough, difficulty breathing, rhinitis. Dry mouth, indigestion, gingival hyperplasia, pancreatitis, vomiting, change in bowel habits More active sweat glands, hair loss, dark skin, hives or purpura. Joint pain, back pain. Urinary disorders. Causes gynecomastia or erectile dysfunction in men. Body aches, discomfort, body weakness. Unusual weight gain or possible weight loss Hepatitis, jaundice and increased liver enzymes. If the above symptoms persist and are more severe, the patient should immediately notify the treating doctor for timely advice and treatment.

7. Note when using Stadovas 10

The following cases need attention when using Stadovas 10:
Pregnant women Lactating women Drivers or operating machinery requiring high concentration Patients with liver failure Patients with congestive heart failure People with aortic stenosis Stadovas 10 should be stored in a dry place at a temperature below 30 degrees, avoiding direct sunlight. Patients using the drug should be kept out of the reach of children. Besides, please use the drug intact, not torn, moldy...
Stadovas 10 is currently sold in pharmacies on the market under a doctor's prescription. With complete information about the drug Stadovas 10 tabs above, hopefully patients will know how to use the drug effectively in the treatment process.
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