Uses of Seotamex

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According to in vitro and in vivo studies, Thymomodulin - a derivative containing a variety of peptides with a molecular weight varying from 1 to 10, has the effect of helping to mature T lymphocytes. This particularity is present in the drug Seotamex. So what is Seotamex?

1. What is Seotamex?

What is Seotamex? Seotamex is an anti-cancer drug that affects the body's immune system. Seotamex medicine is made in the form of capsules with packing box of 3 blisters x 10 tablets. The composition of the drug Seotamex includes Thymomodulin 80mg. The drug is manufactured by Etex Inc - KOREA and circulated in Viet Nam with registration number VN-10301-10.

2. Effects of Thymomodulin

Thymomodulin is an acid lysate derivative derived from the thymus of calves. Preliminary studies suggest that thymomodulin may be helpful in improving T-cell deficiency in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), strengthening the immune system, increasing antibodies, treating acute and chronic hepatitis B, restoring peripheral white blood cell counts in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation, alleviating allergic conditions including asthma, hay fever and food allergies.
More specifically, in vitro studies have shown that the thymic derivative Thymomodulin enhances the function of mature T lymphocytes (the body's most important immune cell) and greatly increases function of B lymphocytes and macrophages. Large-scale human clinical trials with Thymomodulin have also shown that the drug can improve symptoms in a variety of pathological processes such as infections, allergies and malignancies, and improve immune function. translation in the elderly. Moreover, Thymomodulin also has the ability to stimulate the bone marrow to produce antibodies, promote the establishment of immune complexes, help the body fight pathogens.

3. Indications of the drug Seotamex

Seotamex medicine supports the treatment of bacterial or viral infections (hepatitis and respiratory diseases...); Seotamex drug supports to strengthen the weakened immune system in the elderly; Improve clinical symptoms of HIV/AIDS patients; Treatment of leukopenia in stage 1 and stage 2.

4. Dosage - How to take Seotamex

Dosage of Seotamex drug:
For people over 12 years old: Seotamex dose is prescribed 1-2 times daily, 1 tablet of 80mg each time. For people under 12 years old: Seotamex should not be used for children under 12 years old because the effects of Seotamex on children are not clear and have not been recognized. The dose of Seotamex drug for a specific patient can be varied, adjusted according to the health condition and age of each patient. The prescription of Seotamex and the dose used should be according to the doctor's decision through examination and monitoring of the patient's health.
How to use Seotamex effectively:
Seotamex is used orally because it is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is made in the form of capsules; Take Seotamex pills with filtered or boiled water to cool, do not chew, do not crush Seotamex tablets when taking; A course of treatment with Seotamex can last from 14 days to 30 days, depending on the patient's health status and disease progression. Your doctor may consider repeating or not repeating Seotamex. Seotamex drugs need to be used regularly, regularly and in the right dose to have the most optimal treatment effect.

5. Contraindications of the drug Seotamex

Contraindicated to use Seotamex for patients with hypersensitivity to the ingredients in this medicine.

6. Drug interactions of the drug Seotamex

Thymomodulin contained in the drug Seotamex may interact with food, food and some other functional foods or drugs. This interaction will reduce the effect of the drug Seotamex or may increase the toxicity of the drug.
Therefore, in order to limit possible interactions, patients should not use combinations of drugs and functional foods together when it is not certain that those drugs or foods have an interaction. or not. Always give priority to using Seotamex drugs under the guidance of your doctor.
Seotamex is often used in combination with chemotherapy for cancer patients. Some studies have confirmed that when using Seotamex 80mg in combination with chemotherapy, it reduces some or many unwanted effects of chemotherapy, and increases survival time (compared to chemotherapy). with chemotherapy alone).

7. Side effects of the drug Seotamex

The common side effects when using Seotamex are: allergic urticaria, irritation irritation, skin redness and gastrointestinal irritation; Rarely, patients feel headache, headache when using Seotamex; When users of the drug Seotamex notice the appearance of unusual symptoms, adverse reactions that make the body uncomfortable, they should immediately report it to a doctor, pharmacist or medical facility most needed to take the most necessary intervention measures. timely treatment.

8. Note when using Seotamex medicine

During the use of Seotamex, patients should note:
It is recommended that patients not use preparations derived from thymus in general and Seotamex in particular as a type of supplement product. nutrition for the body; The subjects that need attention when using Seotamex are: the elderly, pregnant women, lactating women, children <12 years old, patients with liver failure, people who are sensitive to substances contained in the drug Seotamex. , people with peptic ulcer disease , hepatic coma , patients with myasthenia gravis; It is necessary to carefully read the instruction sheet of Seotamex medicine attached to the medicine to know more about the useful information of the product as well as to know more about how to use the drug correctly; Note for pregnant and lactating women: There is no clear and precise information on the adverse reactions of Seotamex to the mother, fetus and the ability to excrete the drug in breast milk. mom. Therefore, use Seotamex only when absolutely necessary and must be authorized by a specialist doctor. Seotamex is an anti-cancer drug that affects the body's immune system. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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