Uses of Selazn

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Selazn drug is indicated in the treatment and prevention of vitamin C and vitamin A deficiency, health promotion, nutritional supplements, relief of bleeding symptoms due to vitamin C deficiency... Let's learn about the uses, the benefits Note when using Selazn through the article below.

1. What does Selazn do?

Selazn belongs to the group of prescription drugs that are made in the form of soft capsules. In one capsule contains the following active ingredients:
Beta - Carotene 15mg; Selenium 50mcg; Vitamin E 400IU: Vitamin C 500mg. Uses of each active ingredient are as follows:
Beta - Carotene: A precursor of vitamin A, after taking it, it will be converted into vitamin A to help treat and prevent vitamin A deficiency in the body; Selenium: An essential trace element in the body. Selenium in the plasma of the body exists in the form of Glutathione Peroxidase and Protein Selenium P. Glutathione has an antioxidant effect, affecting the metabolism of Leucotriene, Prostacyclin, Thromboxan. Selenium deficiency in the body will inhibit the immune system, affect the activities of liver enzymes, cause diseases affecting the heart muscle; Vitamin E: An oil-soluble vitamin that has antioxidant effects, protects blood vessels, eyes and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer; Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid): A water-soluble vitamin, combined with vitamin E with antioxidant effects, involved in the conversion of Proline into Hydroxyproline, Dopamine into Noradrenaline and the biosynthesis of carnitin from Lysine and Methionine. The body lacking vitamin C is prone to bleeding, swollen gums, weakness, fatigue, hematopoietic disorders and lack of pigment. Selazn is indicated in the following cases:
Treatment and prevention of vitamin C deficiency; Prevention of vitamin A deficiency; Improve health, supplement nutrients; Reduce bleeding symptoms due to vitamin deficiency;

2. Dosage of the drug Selazn

Selazn belongs to the group of prescription drugs, the dose of medicine used is prescribed by the treating doctor based on the medical condition. Patients absolutely do not use Selazn by themselves.
The drug is taken orally, swallow the Selazn tablet whole with plenty of water. Some recommendations on dosage of Selazn are as follows:
Adults: Take 1 tablet/day after meals; Children over 5 years old: The dose is prescribed by the doctor; Children under 5 years old: Contraindications to the use of Selazn

3. Side effects of the drug Selazn

Selazn drug may cause some unwanted effects as follows:
On the kidneys and urinary tract: Increase urinary oxalate concentration; On the digestive system: Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea; On the hematopoietic system: Hemolytic anemia; On the nervous system: Fatigue, dizziness, headache; Skin and subcutaneous tissue: Redness of the skin. Patients should inform their treating doctor if they experience any unwanted effects during treatment with Selazn.

4. Notes when using the drug Selazn

Contraindicated to use Selazn drug in the following cases:
Patients with hypersensitivity to any ingredient of Selazn drug; Patients with G6PD deficiency; Patients with increased urinary calcium oxalate, history of kidney stones; People with Thalassemia ; Pregnant women; Children under 5 years old. Precautions for use:
Selazn can cause headaches and dizziness, so patients need to be careful when driving or operating machinery while taking the drug. For women who are breast-feeding, it should be prescribed by a treating doctor.

5. Drug interactions

Selazn may interact with the following drugs:
Aspirin, oral contraceptives reduce the absorption of Vitamin C; Amygdalin increases the risk of cyanide poisoning; Fluphenazine, Desferrioxamine... increase urinary iron excretion; Do not smoke during treatment with Selazn to avoid the risk of lowering blood levels of Ascorbate. Drug interactions occur that increase the risk of having an effect and reduce the therapeutic effect of Selazn, so to ensure safety and effectiveness in treating patients, it is necessary to inform the doctor about the drugs and foods that are being used. used before taking Selazn.
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