Uses of Sanagum

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Sanagum medicine is indicated in the treatment of indigestion, flatulence, feeling of abdominal distension, loss of appetite, nutritional malabsorption... Let's learn about the uses, the notes when using Sanagum medicine. through the article below.

1. What is Sanagum?

Sanagum medicine is in the form of capsules. In 1 Sanagum capsule contains the following active ingredients:
Papain 100mg; Alpha Amylase 100mg; Simethicone 30mg. Sanagum is indicated in the following cases:
Treatment of indigestion, flatulence, loss of appetite; Patients with poor absorption of food or affected by other digestive diseases. Mechanism of action:
Effect of active ingredient Alpha Amylase: Alpha Amylase is an endogenous enzyme capable of hydrolyzing starch and polysaccharides through the attack mechanism and Alfa - 1,4 Glucosidic linkage to create Oligosaccharides, Dextrine, Monosaccharide. Alpha Amylase has anti-inflammatory effects and is synthesized from the bacterium Bacillus Subtilis. Enzymes synthesized from bacteria have the advantage of being more stable in the acidic environment of the stomach. Effect of active ingredient Papain: Active ingredient Papain is extracted from green papaya resin - a plant enzyme. Papain belongs to the cysteine ​​- protease group because the active center contains the - SH group of cysteine. Papain enzyme acts as both an Exoprotease and an Endoprotease, so it can hydrolyze proteins into amino acids and polypeptides. This is a broad substrate-specific enzyme capable of hydrolysing most peptide bonds (except for those with glutamic acid containing the free -COOH group and with the proline bond. Papain helps digest rich foods) Protein more easily, decompose and remove dead skin layer on the surface of the body, so Papain is also used in the field of cosmetic processing. On the surface of the air bubbles, they burst or agglomerate and expel them, thereby helping to reduce bloating.In addition, Simethicone has also been shown to be effective against Helicobacter Pylori.

2. Dosage of the drug Sanagum

Sanagum belongs to the group of non-prescription drugs, however, patients should not use the drug on their own, but need the indication and guidance of medical staff.
Some recommendations on Sanagum dosage are as follows:
Adults and children over 12 years old: Take 1 tablet/time x 2-3 times/day; Children under 12 years of age: Use the drug as prescribed by the doctor.

3. Sanagum side effects

Very rare side effects when using Sanagum medicine. Some unwanted reactions may occur with a very low rate such as itching, rash, edema of the tongue, swelling of the face, difficulty in breathing... Patients should notify their doctor if they encounter any unwanted effects. during treatment with Sanagum.

4. Note when using Sanagum

Note that Sanagum is not used in the treatment of colic in children because there are not enough studies on the benefits and safety at this age.
For pregnant and lactating women: Sanagum should only be used in this population when prescribed by a doctor based on benefits and risks.
Store Sanagum at room temperature, away from direct sunlight or high humidity.

5. Drug interactions

Drug interactions occur that increase the risk of having an effect and reduce the therapeutic effect of Sanagum, so to ensure safety and effectiveness in treating patients, it is necessary to inform the doctor about drugs and foods. are using before taking Sanagum.
The article has provided information about what Sanagum is, dosage and note when using. To ensure safety for health, patients should consult a doctor or professional before use.
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