Uses of Rosuwell

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Rossuwell drug is effective in the treatment of primary hypercholesterolemia or dyslipidemia in combination, alone in the treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.

1. Uses of rosuwell

Rossuwell is used in the treatment of:
Primary hypercholesterolemia (type 11a including heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia) or mixed dyslipidemia (type 1lb), the treatment in combination with diet diet and exercise like exercise. Used alone in the treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia or as an adjunct to other lipid-lowering treatments. Combined with a diet that reduces total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol to the desired limits, thereby contributing to slowing the development of atherosclerosis.

2. Dosage, how to use the drug Rossuwell

Patients need to follow a cholesterol-lowering diet before, during and after the treatment, this will help stabilize cholesterol levels and help the treatment process go faster and better.
Rossuwell can be taken at any time of the day, during or away from a meal. The recommended starting dose is 5 - 10 mg, taken once a day, most of which will be controlled from this dose. If the treatment has not been effective, the dose can be adjusted to 20mg after 4 weeks, the dose of 40mg should only be used for people with severe hypercholesterolemia at high risk of cardiovascular disease without achieving the treatment goal. treatment at a dose of 20 mg.
Rossuwell is not recommended for use in children because safety and efficacy have not been established, but is limited to a small group of children (≥ 8 years of age) with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia.
Elderly people using Rossuwell do not need to adjust the dose. People with mild to moderate renal impairment do not need to adjust the dose, contraindicated in people with severe renal impairment.
Rossuwell is contraindicated in patients with advanced liver disease, in patients with liver failure, depending on the Child-Pugh score to determine. If Child-Pugh ≤ 7 then use as usual, Child-Pugh 8 - 9, need to assess renal function.

3. Contraindications to using Rossuwell

Rossuwell is contraindicated in the following cases:
Allergy to the components of the drug Rossuwell. Prolonged elevation of serum transaminases for unknown reasons and when transaminases are increased more than 3 times the allowable limit. Patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance < 30ml/min). People with muscle diseases. People who are taking the drug cyclosporin. People who are pregnant and breastfeeding, or are suspected of being pregnant.

4. Rossuwell side effects

Side effects during use of Rossuwell are usually mild and transient. The classification is based on frequency as follows:
Rare: Allergic reactions including angioedema, myopathy, rhabdomyolysis Uncommon: Pruritus, rash, urticaria. Common: Headache, dizziness, constipation, nausea, abdominal pain, myalgia, asthenia. The frequency of Rossuwell's adverse reactions tends to be dose-dependent like other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors.
With doses ranging from 10 to 20 mg, < 1% of patients had proteinuria that increased from none to only traces to positive ++ or higher and about 3% corresponding to patients treated with Rosuvastatin 40 mg. In most cases, proteinuria decreased or resolved spontaneously during treatment, but was not a precursor of acute or progressive kidney disease.
Like other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, Rossuwell may act on the musculoskeletal system causing myalgia, uncomplicated myopathy and, rarely, rhabdomyolysis which is sometimes associated with functional impairment kidney.
Most Ck levels are only mildly elevated, asymptomatic and transient, if CK levels rise > 5xULN, treatment should be discontinued. Increased transaminases have been reported in patients receiving Rossuwell, most of which were mild, asymptomatic and transient.

5. Notes when using the drug Rossuwell

Care should be taken when using Rossuwell for people with liver disease combined with diseases such as renal failure, hypothyroidism, personal or family history of hereditary muscle disease, history of muscle toxicity due to inhibitors other HMG-CoA reductase enzymes or fibrates, alcoholics, over 70 years old.
Stop using the drug immediately if CK index > 5 x ULN or serious muscle complications. Absolutely do not use the drug for patients with sepsis, hypotension, electrolyte disturbances, endocrine disorders, severe metabolic disorders, recent major surgery, trauma, uncontrolled convulsions Okay.
Rossuwell drug is effective in the treatment of primary hypercholesterolemia or dyslipidemia in combination, alone in the treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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