Uses of Rocalcic 50

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Rocalcic 50 belongs to the group of pain relievers, antipyretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs for the treatment of bone and joint diseases and gout. So what is the use of Rocalcic 5 and specifically indicated for which cases?

1. What is Rocalcic 50?

What is Rocalcic 50? Rocalcic 50 drug has the main active ingredient Calcitonin with the content of 50IU/ml and other excipients just enough provided by the manufacturer. The drug is prepared in the form of an injection solution, packed in boxes, each box includes 5 ampoules x 1ml.

2. Uses of Rocalcic 50

2.1 Uses - indications Help prevent acute bone resorption caused by sudden immobilization in patients with recent osteoporosis fractures. Used to treat Paget's disease (deforming osteomyelitis), only for people who have not responded to alternative therapies or are not suitable for treatment, such as those with severe renal failure. Used to treat hypercalcemia due to malignancy. Used to treat osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Can be combined with Ca and vitamin D to prevent bone erosion. Used to treat Sudeck's disease. Support hypercalcaemia due to bone metastatic cancer, carcinoma and myeloma. 2.2 Contraindications People who are hypersensitive to the active ingredient Calcitonin or any of its ingredients. People with hypocalcemia. Note: Contraindication should be understood as an absolute contraindication. That is, not for any reason that contraindicated cases can be used flexibly.

3. Usage and dosage of Rocalcic 50

How to use: Rocalcic 50 is prepared as an injection solution, so it should be used by injection, which can be injected under the skin or intramuscularly. It is recommended that the drug be taken at bedtime to reduce the likelihood of nausea and vomiting, especially in the early stages of treatment. The duration of treatment for all indications should be limited to the shortest possible duration and the lowest possible dose that is effective.
Used to prevent acute bone resorption due to sudden immobility in patients with osteoporotic fractures:
Dose of 100 IU/time/day or divided into 50 IU/2 times/day. After the patient begins to be able to exercise again, reduce the dose to 50 IU/time/day. The recommended duration of treatment is 2 weeks and should not be used for more than 4 weeks in any case. Because then it will increase the risk of malignancy and need to use Calcitonin for a long time. Used to treat Paget's disease
Dose 100IU/time/day. When the patient responds and symptoms gradually improve, treatment should be discontinued. Maximum duration of treatment is 3 weeks. However, for patients at risk of pathological fracture, the duration of drug therapy can be extended up to 6 months. Used for hypercalcemia due to malignancies
Initial dose: 100IU/time, each time 6 to 8 hours apart. After 1 to 2 days, if the initial dose does not satisfy the patient's condition, the dose can be increased to a maximum dose of 400 IU every 6 to 8 hours. In urgent or severe cases: 10 IU/kg body weight per 500 ml of 0.9% w/v sodium chloride solution can be administered for at least 6 hours intravenously. Note: Patients should only refer to the above dosage information, because each person will have a different dose depending on their body condition and disease severity. Therefore, it is necessary to consult and prescribe the treatment doctor to get the most appropriate and effective dose.
In case of missed dose: Rocalcic 50 is given by a doctor or nurse so forgetting is very rare. However, if it is discovered that the patient has missed a dose, the patient should immediately notify the team of doctors, nurses and medical personnel to ensure the course of their treatment.
In case of overdose: If an overdose is detected and unusual symptoms appear, the patient should immediately notify the doctor or go to the hospital for timely treatment. When traveling, patients should bring all medicines and functional foods they are using so that the diagnosis and treatment process can take place quickly, avoiding affecting the body.

4. Side effects of the drug Rocalcic 50

During treatment, in addition to the main effect that Rocalcic 50 brings, users may also experience some unwanted symptoms such as:
Chills, stinging in the face, hands, feet, ears. , body fever, red hot. Gastrointestinal disorders: diarrhea, nausea, loss of appetite, urinary incontinence or polyuria. Note: when the body shows the above symptoms suspected of taking the drug, the user should stop using the drug and immediately notify the treating doctor for timely advice and treatment.

5. Rocalcic 50 . drug interactions

Some interactions with Rocalcic 50 users should be aware of:
After taking the drug, especially at the starting dose, serum calcium levels may decrease temporarily to normal levels. Combination of Caicitonin with bisphosphonates may increase the calcium-lowering effects. Taking the drug with the active ingredients Calcitonin and lithium results in a decrease in plasma lithium concentrations. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the dose of lithium when used in combination.

6. Some notes when using Rocalcic 50

In the process of using Rocalcic 50, patients need to pay attention to the following issues:
Because in Rocalcic 50 drug contains calcitonin as a peptide, there is a high possibility that a systemic allergic reaction will occur. Therefore, it is necessary to test the patient's skin for sensitivity to calcitonin before treatment. After analyzing trials in patients with osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, calcitonin was associated with an increased risk of cancer compared with patients receiving placebo. It is not recommended to use for women who are pregnant, because the drug can cause adverse effects such as miscarriage, teratogenicity, fetal malformation,... to any developmental process of pregnancy. , especially in the first 3 months. For those who are in the process of breastfeeding: it is best not to or limit the use of Rocalcic 50 during this time, because the drug may be transmitted to the young child, causing adverse effects. Absolutely not for people with a history of allergy to proteins. The drug should not be used to treat children for a long time. Use caution when using Rocalcic 50 for people who are driving or operating machinery. Hopefully, the information shared above about Rocalcic 50 will help users feel more secure when taking the drug and know what to note with the drug to be able to minimize the side effects that the drug brings. .
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