Uses of Ribastade

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Ribastad belongs to the group of drugs that support the treatment of parasites, fungi, viruses, and bacteria, licensed for use by the Drug Administration - Ministry of Health. The following is some information to help readers better understand what Ribastad does?

1. What is Ribastad?

Ribastad is an adjunct to the treatment of viral hemorrhagic fever and chronic hepatitis C virus infection. Ribastad is directly manufactured by a branch of LD Stada-Vietnam - VIETNAM CO., LTD.
Ribastad medicine has the main ingredient is Ribavirin with a strength of 200mg. Ribastad 200 is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets, packed in a box of 2 blisters x 7 tablets.
Ribastad 200 medicine needs to be stored in a high, dry, clean place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 25 - 25 °C, do not let direct sunlight shine on.

2. What does Ribastad do?

The use of Ribastad drug is to prevent the risk of infection, inhibit the production of viruses but do not affect the function of healthy cells. Indicated cases:
Patients with chronic hepatitis C virus; Patients with viral hemorrhagic fevers, including Lassa fever; Patients with dengue fever with pulmonary syndrome, renal syndrome; Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever patient.

3. Contraindications to the drug Ribastad 200

As one of the following subjects, patients should not use Ribastad 200:
Patients who are sensitive or allergic to the Ribavirin component in Ribastad 200; Patients who are pregnant, intend to become pregnant or are breast-feeding should not use Ribastad; Patients with heart disease or myocardial ischemia should not use Ribastad; Patients with severe renal impairment should not use Ribastad; Anemic patients should not use Ribastad; Patients with mental disorders do not use Ribastad; Patients with severe liver failure, cirrhosis or hepatitis should not use Ribastad.

4. Dosage and administration of Ribastad

In order for Ribastad to be effective, patients need to know how to use it and how much to use it.
4.1. How to take Ribastad Ribastad 200 is used orally. Take Ribastad with 1 glass of water. Do not take Ribastad with tea, beer, wine, soft drinks,... Taking Ribastad after meals will be better. Do not break, chew or crush the medicine while taking it. 4.2. Dosage of Ribastad Drug Dosage of Ribastad with chronic hepatitis C:
Adults: Take 2 times a day, 2 tablets of Ribastad each time; Children 3 years and older: 15mg/kg per day, divided into 2 doses. Dosage of Ribastad for viral hemorrhagic fever:
Adult patient: Each time taking Ribastad medicine 6 hours apart, dose 500-600mg, treatment time is about 7-10 days; For children from 6 to 9 years old and older: Each time taking Ribastad medicine 6 hours apart, the dose is 2 tablets, continuous treatment for 7-10 days. 4.3. How to handle missed dose - Ribastad overdose In case of missed dose of Ribastad: Patients take it as soon as they remember. If it is almost time for your next dose of Ribastad, skip the missed dose. Take the next dose but do not double the dose; In case of overdose of Ribastad: In case of an overdose of Ribastad, the patient should immediately go to a specialist medical address for timely treatment by the doctor.

5. Ribastad side effects

In addition to the above therapeutic uses, many cases were recorded after taking the drug with some side effects such as:
Patient anorexia, weight loss; Patient has headache, body fatigue; The patient has a feeling of nausea, vomiting, dry mouth; Patient has abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea; Patients with anemia, decreased hemoglobin, decreased neutrophils,... Note: During the use of Ribastad, if you encounter any unwanted side effects, the patient should immediately notify a specialist doctor. /professional pharmacist for timely handling.

6. Ribastade drug interactions

During the use of Ribastad 200 may encounter some interactions with other drugs, patients should understand to avoid the risk of harm to the body.
Co-administration of Ribastad with Didanosin increases the risk of liver failure, even death; Co-administration of Ribastad with azathioprine increases the risk of osteonecrosis; Co-administration of Ribastad with Zidovudine or Stavudine increases the risk of HIV infection in the blood plasma; Antacids containing magnesium, aluminum,... will reduce the absorption of Ribastad. Therefore, do not use these 2 drugs together; Co-administration of Ribastad with Interferon alpha-2b may lead to mild psychotic symptoms. Note: To ensure the safety and effectiveness of Ribastad, patients need to inform their doctor about all medications, supplements they are taking and medical history (if any).

7. Notes when using Ribastad

For pregnant women: Ribastad is not recommended for use in pregnant women because of the high risk of teratogens and fetal malformations; For nursing mothers: There are no studies to prove that Ribastad is excreted in breast milk. Therefore, this subject only uses the drug when prescribed by a doctor; For drivers, machine operators: Ribastad does not affect this group of people. If there is an effect, the level is insignificant; Ribastad can lead to blood disorders. Patients who want to take the drug must do a blood test first; In addition, for patients planning to become pregnant, be sure to stop taking Ribastad at least 6-7 months in advance. To use Ribastad to be most effective, patients need to strictly follow the doctor's instructions, especially patients under 18 years old. If you have any questions about Ribastad 200, please contact your doctor/pharmacist immediately for advice and answers.

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