Uses of Rhutazil

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Rhutazil contains the ingredients Acetaminophen 500mg, Loratadin 5mg, Dextromethorphan HBr 7.5mg in tablet form, which works to relieve symptoms of flu such as cough, fever, headache, muscle aches, stuffy nose, runny nose, watery eyes, itchy eyes, joint pain, sinusitis, seasonal runny nose, rash, allergic rhinitis,...

1. What is Rutazil?

Rhutazil contains the following ingredients and uses:
Acetaminophen 500mg, is the active metabolite of phenacetin, also known as paracetamol. This is a very popular and familiar drug, which has antipyretic and analgesic effects; Widely used in the treatment of mild to moderate pain and fever,... Loratadin 5mg, belongs to the group of long-acting peripheral selective long-acting histamine H1 receptor antagonists, belonging to the 2nd generation, effective drugs. relieve symptoms such as itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, ... Besides, loratadine is also used to treat itching caused by rashes. Dextromethorphan HBr 7.5mg has the effect of reducing cough due to its effect on the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata. Although the chemical structure of Dextromethorphan HBr is related to morphine, it has no analgesic and very little sedative effect. Dextromethorphan is used to relieve coughs caused by mild throat and bronchial irritation such as the common cold or when inhaled irritants. Dextromethorphan is effective in the symptomatic treatment of chronic cough without phlegm because Dextromethorphan does not have an expectorant effect. Indications for use of Rhutazil drug in the following cases: Treatment of symptoms of colds and flu: Cough, fever, headache, nasal congestion, runny nose, watery eyes, itchy eyes, muscle aches, joint aches and pains. , sinusitis , allergic rhinitis , seasonal runny nose , rash .

2. Contraindications of the drug Rutazil

Do not use Rhutazil in the following cases:
Children < 6 years old. Patients with a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in Rutazil. Patients with bronchial asthma, exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, respiratory failure. Glaucoma (also known as glaucoma or glaucoma). Patients with prostate enlargement, or bladder neck obstruction. People with severe cardiovascular disease. People with liver failure, severe kidney failure. Patient is taking MAOI.

3. Dosage and how to use Rhutazil

3.1. Dosage of the drug Rutazil Adults and children over 12 years old: The dose is 1 tablet x 2 times/day. Children 6-12 years old: Take 1/2 tablet/time x 2 times/day. Patients with mild and moderate hepatic or renal impairment: 1 tablet/time, taken every other day. 3.2. How to use the drug Rutazil The drug Rutazil is produced in the form of tablets, taken orally. Before using Rhutazil, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use of the drug on the leaflet. When taken orally, swallow the tablet whole with water, with or without food.
If the patient forgets to take a dose of Rutazil, take it again as soon as you remember. However, if it is too close to your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the scheduled time. Patients should not take twice the prescribed dose at the same time.

4. Undesirable effects of drugs

When using Rhutazil, patients may experience some side effects as follows:
Body and skin: Urticaria, anaphylactic reactions. Nervous system: Fatigue, headache, dizziness, insomnia. Digestive system: Dry mouth, digestive disorders, gastritis, constipation, pancreatitis Cardiovascular system: Tachycardia. Urinary system: urinary retention.

5. Be careful when using the drug Rutazil

Patients using Rutazil should note the following information:
Patients who use Rutazil after 7 days without improvement in symptoms need to stop taking the drug and return to a specialist for further treatment. Patients are not allowed to self-medicate for more than 7 days. Use caution when using Rhutazil in patients with cough with excessive phlegm, or chronic cough in smokers, patients with bronchial asthma or alveolar dilatation, patients at risk or in respiratory failure. If the patient shows symptoms of hypersensitivity such as itching, rash, severe hypotension, difficulty breathing, respiratory failure, it is necessary to immediately go to the nearest medical facility for examination and treatment in a timely manner. Because the drug can cause the onset of serotonin syndrome, there is the potential for life-threatening Rutazil when given concomitantly with serotonergic drugs, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). or drugs that decrease the metabolism of serotonin (including monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)) and inhibitors of CYP2D6. If serotonin syndrome is suspected in the patient, treatment with Rutazil should be discontinued. Before using the drug, the patient should inform the doctor about the medical history and the drugs he is using to have appropriate drug indications, to avoid drug interactions and unwanted side effects. Note during pregnancy: Because it can cause unwanted side effects, so pregnant women need to consult a specialist before using the drug. Note to breast-feeding women: Patients who are breastfeeding should avoid using Rhutazil, or stop breastfeeding when using the drug to avoid side effects for the baby. Notes when driving and operating machines: Due to the possible drowsiness side effects of Rutazil affecting the patient's alertness, it is recommended that when using Rhutazil not to drive or operate machinery or when doing other things. The job requires alertness.

6. Preservation of drugs

In order to preserve Rutazil, the patient should note the following information:
The patient should keep the medicine in a dry place and avoid sunlight, avoid high humidity. Rhutazil should not be stored in the freezer or in the bathroom, where there is high humidity. Medicines should be kept out of reach of children and pets. When the medicine expires or is no longer needed, it must be disposed of properly. Hopefully the above article will help readers better understand the drug Rutazil. Only use Rhutazil when prescribed by a specialist and in the course of taking the drug, the patient needs to discuss regularly with the treating doctor so that the drug process can be most effective and avoid unwanted side effects. would like.

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