Uses of Quafaneuro

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Quafaneuro medicine has the main ingredients of B vitamins, which are often used to treat vitamin B deficiency, headaches or for children with growth retardation. Although it is a vitamin, if used in excess, it can lead to some symptoms of ataxia and numbness of the limbs that patients need to be aware of.

1. What is Quafaneuro?

Quafaneuro medicine has the main ingredients of vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, which is often used to supplement B vitamins, improve the condition of children with weakness, growth retardation and treat nervous system disorders such as:
Pain headache Peripheral neuralgia Peripheral neuritis Ocular neuritis Complications of alcoholic or diabetic neuritis Paresthesias, polyneuritis Shoulder-arm syndrome Nerve weakness Sciatica Increased Induction of the central nervous system causing convulsions Shingles In addition, the drug is also used to prevent and treat symptoms of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, anemia due to vitamin B6, B12 deficiency or recovery. maintaining health after illness, overwork, the elderly

2. Dosage of the drug Quafaneuro

Quafaneuro medicine is produced in the form of film-coated tablets, which are usually used orally with the following reference doses:
Adults: 2 tablets/day, 1 tablet each time Children over 12 years old: 1 tablet/ days Quafaneuro is not indicated for pregnant and lactating women. If the patient overdoses on vitamin B6 higher than 2-7 g/day (or over 0.2 g/day for more than two months), it can lead to develop sensory neuropathy with symptoms such as ataxia and numbness of the limbs. These symptoms were reversible after 6 months of discontinuation of the drug.

3. Contraindications and side effects of Quafaneuro

Quafaneuro has some contraindications that need to be noted as follows:
Patients with hypersensitivity to vitamin B1, vitamin B6 and other components of the drug Malignant tumors Patients with a history of allergies (asthma, eczema) Also Like other drugs, Quafaneuro can also cause some unwanted effects for patients such as:
Vitamin B1: tingling, itching, pain, urticaria, weakness, sweating, vomiting, loss of appetite. sleep, throat congestion, angioedema, respiratory failure, cyanosis, pulmonary edema, gastrointestinal bleeding, vasodilation and transient hypotension, cardiovascular collapse, even death Vitamin B6: long-term use of high doses May aggravate peripheral neuropathy Vitamin B6 may inhibit lactation in nursing women by blocking the action of prolactin

4. Drug interactions with Quafaneuro

Drug interactions that occur with the ingredients of Quafaneuro are:
Vitamin B1 interacts with neuromuscular blocking drugs to increase the effect of these drugs. Vitamin B6 reduces the effectiveness of levodopa which can be overcome by concomitant administration with a dopa decarboxylas inhibitor Vitamin B6 may reduce the activity of altretamine, reducing serum concentrations of phenobarbital and phenytoin Some drugs can increased need for vitamin B6 such as: hydralazine, isoniazid, penicillamine and oral contraceptives. Above are the shares about the drug Quafaneuro, using the drug for the right purpose and dose will help the process of use be more effective and safe.

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