Uses of Pogemat

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Pogemat is a drug derived from nature with a combination of many medicinal ingredients, used to increase the body's resistance, to support the treatment of a number of chronic diseases.

1. What is Pogemat?

Pogemat has main ingredients including: Ginseng 53.6mg; Big Apple 107.2mg; Cinnamon humiliation 53.6mg; Pecan kernels 80.4mg; Hippocampus 80.4mg and Luc Phan 2.7mg. Prepared in the form of sugar coated tablets.
This is a medicine of herbal and animal origin with the effect of promoting health.
Ginseng This is a precious and familiar medicine, herbaceous plant, long-lived, used in oriental medicine with the use of great tonicity, enhancing health for those who have just woken up. According to pharmacological research, it has been found that ginseng has the effect of regulating and strengthening the body's immune system, increasing the number of white blood cells and platelets, and at the same time, ginseng increases their natural activity to fight the disease. infectious diseases; increase body endurance, reduce fatigue, improve weakness; anti-aging, relieve stress, help people increase their tolerance to external stimuli; enhance memory, increase intelligence in thinking, improve hearing and vision function,...
Big apple Dai apple is a familiar medicine in oriental medicine, the drug has the effect of supporting spleen, gas and energy. Nourishes the new fluid, reconciles other medicines when used together. According to research, it has been found that the apple has many nutritional components such as carbohydrates, protid, fat, vitamin C and minerals. Used to nourish the body to enhance body function.
Que Nhuc Que humiliation according to oriental medicine has a sweet, spicy taste. Often used to warm the body, yang, except for welding. According to research, Cinnamon has effects on the cardiovascular system, enhances blood flow to the coronary arteries and improves myocardial ischemia; antibacterial effect against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, inhibiting the activity of molds.
Pecans, also known as walnuts, have many uses such as long-term cough treatment, kidney and liver tonic, asthma, laxative, skin laxative, black hair. In pecans, there are many nutrients and can be used to promote health.
Hippopotamus, also known as seahorse, has the function of tonic kidney and yang, enhancing physiological function for both men and women; strengthen immune function; support infertility treatment; Helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases.
Green fen In natural chlorophyll, it mainly contains iron sulfate (Fe2SO4.7H2O) and impurities including magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), calcium (Ca). This ingredient has the effect of sputum, antiseptic, hemostasis due to gastrointestinal bleeding, antiseptic, and detoxification.

2. Indications and contraindications for taking Pogemat

Pogemat is indicated for use in:
The case of weak resistance, want to enhance health and resistance. Improve some diseases such as cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, neurological diseases, visual disturbances. Elderly people with weak health, hard workers, wake up after being sick. This drug should not be used in the following cases:
The patient is sensitive to the ingredients contained in the product. Use with caution: People who are suffering from diarrhea, digestive disorders; Pregnant women and young children. Severe liver and kidney failure.

3. How to take Pogemat

How to use: The drug is indicated for oral use. This medicine should be taken after eating.
For adults: Take 1 capsule/time. Children: There is no suitable dose for children, should not be used for this audience.

4. Pogemat . side effects

Along with the main effects of the drug, when you use Pogemat you may also experience the following side effects:
Dizziness, dizziness, headache; Digestive disorders ; Rash, allergy, rash on the skin. In addition to these side effects, you may also experience other side effects. Please inform your doctor about unwanted effects you experience for advice and treatment if necessary.

5. What should be noted when using Pogemat

You need to carefully read the instructions and ingredients of the drug before taking it. Avoid using if there is a history of allergy to any of the ingredients in the medicine.
If there is no improvement or signs are worse, you should stop taking the drug and see a doctor.
Use the drug according to the instructions, do not use it for a long time or use it in high doses unless it is indicated.
There are no studies on drug interaction Pogemat with other drugs, so caution when combining drugs. If you have an unusual reaction, you should report it to your doctor and you should avoid taking these drugs together.
Store Pogemat in a cool place, do not keep the medicine in the refrigerator and keep it out of the reach of children. Do not use when the medicine has expired and shows signs of damage.
In short, Pogemat is a medicine derived from nature. Used to enhance immune function and general health of the body. If taking the medicine has any health problems, you should immediately inform your pharmacist/doctor for advice.
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