Uses of Panamax

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Panamax is a pain reliever and antipyretic, used to treat many problems such as headache, muscle pain, back pain, arthritis, colds... Panamax is made in the form of tablets with pharmaceutical ingredients. is Paracetamol.

1. What is Panamax? What does Panamax do?

1.1. Ingredients of the drug Panamax Drug Panamax is a drug belonging to the group of drugs with analgesic and antipyretic effects. The drug is often used to treat symptoms such as headache, back pain, muscle pain, arthritis,... Panamax is in the form of tablets.
Each Panamax tablet contains:
Main active ingredient Paracetamol ; Some other excipients such as: Povidone, Stearic Acid, corn starch, talc powder, potassium sorbate,... with enough quantity of 1 tablet. Panamax medicine is packed in a box of 100 tablets, each box has 10 blisters, each blister has 10 tablets.
1.2. Pharmacodynamics of the drug Panamax The drug Panamax with the main active ingredient is Paracetamol which is a non-steroidal antipyretic and analgesic drug. This is an ingredient with a very good analgesic and antipyretic effect, commonly used to treat diseases such as headache, fever, arthritis,... Mechanism of action of Paracetamol: Paracetamol has the effect of blocking the transmission of pain information to the brain, so after taking Panamax, the pain will reduce or disappear effectively. With analgesic effect, Panamax drug is often used as a temporary pain reliever in the treatment of moderate and mild pain symptoms such as headache, toothache, abdominal pain, .. and is most effective as pain relief. low pain signs of non-visceral origin. Paracetamol is a very good pain reliever, fever reducer and safer than Aspirin. The drug Panamax is often replaced Aspirin in many cases, however, one limitation of Paracetamol compared to Aspirin is that Paracetamol is not effective in anti-inflammatory. The active ingredient Paracetamol used at therapeutic doses has almost no side effects such as effects on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, does not affect acid-base balance, does not cause irritation or bleeding in the stomach compared to when taking aspirin. It is safer to use Panamax than Aspirin because it does not act on systemic cyclooxygenase, only central nervous system cyclooxygenase.

2. What disease does Panamax treat?

Paracetamol is a substance with analgesic and antipyretic effects, so Panamax is often indicated in the treatment of people with common aches and pains with signs such as headache, toothache, muscle pain, backache, pain. Knee pain, neuralgia, cold, fever,...
In addition, Panamax can also be used to relieve pain in women with menstrual pain, people with osteoarthritis disease.

3. Usage and dosage of the drug Panamax

3.1. How to use Panamax When using Panamax, you need to keep a few things in mind as follows:
You must take Panamax exactly as prescribed by your treating doctor about the dose and duration of use. Take Panamax with some water. Do not crush the medicine to drink. This is because the amount of medicine absorbed by the body is too large, increasing the risk of side effects. Do not use Panamax that has expired or has been corrupted. If after a period of use, there are no signs of improvement, stop using Panamax and see a treating doctor for advice on appropriate treatment. 3.2. Dosage of Panamax drug Depending on each case and different medical conditions, the treating doctor can adjust the dose to suit. However, the usual therapeutic dose of Panamax will be specified as follows:
Subjects over 12 years old: Use 1-2 tablets/time. The treating doctor may prescribe the drug to be used multiple times with an interval of 4-6 hours, if necessary. Children (7 - 12 years old): Use 1/2 - 1 tablet/time. In case of necessity, the treating doctor can use the drug several times, after 4-6 hours after the previous use, but not to exceed 4 tablets/day. Children under 7 years old: Panamax tablets are not indicated for use in this population. 3.3. In case of missing/overdose In case of underdosing: Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the old dose. Absolutely do not arbitrarily double the dose to make up for it. In case of overdose: In case of overdose of the drug, if you see any abnormality in your body, immediately call the treating doctor or medical center for instructions on how to handle it. physical.

4. Some unwanted effects of the drug Panamax

Panamax can cause unwanted health effects. Common health problems you may experience while taking the medicine include:
Nausea and vomiting; Stomachache; Undigested; Sweating; The skin is red or peeling. Besides, Panamax can cause some other serious problems. You need to contact your treating doctor or medical centers if you see any abnormality in your body as follows:
Fever; Wheezing, difficulty breathing; Swollen face, lips, tongue or other body parts; blisters that may cause bleeding in the lips, eyes, mouth, nose, or genitals; Hives, rash on the skin; Yellow skin and eyes. If you encounter serious health problems while using Panamax, you should immediately go to the nearest medical facility for timely advice and resolution, according to the right regimen.

5. Panamax drug interactions

Drugs that can cause interactions with Panamax, including:
Drugs that thin the blood; Medicines for epilepsy; Medicines used to control nausea or vomiting such as Metoclopramide and Domperidone; Propantheline for the treatment of gastric ulcer disease; Other pain relievers; Wine or other alcoholic beverages; Sleeping pills and medications for depression; Chloramphenicol antibiotic; medicines used to treat infections such as flucloxacillin, rifampicin, zidovudine; Probenecid gout medicine; Drugs that lower blood cholesterol (cholestyramine...); chelating resin.

6. Some notes when using Panamax

6.1. Contraindications Panamax 500mg is contraindicated in the following cases:
Sensitivity to the components of the drug; People with glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase (enzyme) deficiency. People with liver and kidney problems. 6.2. Precautions when using Panamax Before using Panamax medicine, you need to inform the treating doctor full of information about your medical history, health problems you are having, especially :
Hypersensitivity or hypersensitivity to any ingredient in the drug. Have Gilbert's syndrome. People with respiratory health problems such as bronchitis, asthma or emphysema. People who consume alcoholic beverages, especially alcohol, in large quantities. Allergy to Aspirin or other NSAIDs. Glutathione deficiency. Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding. 6.3. Note to other special groups For pregnant women: Pregnancy is a very sensitive period for both pregnant women and the fetus, so the use of Panamax during pregnancy This is a matter for women to consider carefully. If not absolutely necessary, women should not use Panamax during pregnancy, unless it is considered by the treating doctor or other health professionals that there is a therapeutic benefit that Panamax medicine brings to the adult mother. than the risk it poses to the unborn baby. For women who are breast-feeding: Similar to use in pregnant women, it is recommended that Panamax be used with caution in lactating women, only if prescribed by a physician. Treatment considers the potential benefits of treatment outweighing the risks. To ensure health, before taking Panamax, patients should consult their doctor to have appropriate indications, to ensure the patient's health.

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