Uses of Ondavell

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Ondavell is an anti-nausea drug for patients undergoing radiation and chemotherapy. The drug has the main ingredient Ondansetron and is designed for parenteral use. Usage, dosage, side effects and notes when taking Ondavell will be in the following article.

1. What is Ondavell?

Ondavell is a specialized anti-nausea drug for patients with cytotoxic radiation and chemotherapy. The drug has the main ingredient Ondansetron, which is prepared in the form of an injection solution with a capacity of 4ml each (equivalent to 8mg).

2. Uses of Ondavell

The antiemetic effect of Ondavell is based on the active ingredient Ondansetron in the injection solution. It is a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist with high selectivity. In chemotherapy and radiation patients, 5HT is released in the small intestine and causes vagus nerve activation, which is the main cause of vomiting and nausea in patients. Ondavell with the active ingredient Ondansetron has an inhibitory effect on that process by antagonizing 5HT3 receptors on peripheral nerves and central nerves.
In addition to the effect of treating nausea in patients with radiation therapy, Ondavell can also be used to prevent nausea and vomiting after surgery, due to radiation.
Ondavell is administered intravenously or orally in some other dosage forms. Ondavell bioavailability is about 60% and plasma protein binding is about 75%. When entering the body, the active ingredient of Ondavell is converted into Glucuronide and Sulfate conjugates.
Ondavell is eliminated as metabolites in the faeces and urine, 10% is excreted unchanged and the elimination half-life is 3-4 hours.

3. Indications for taking Ondavell

The main effect of Ondavell is anti-nausea and vomiting in the following cases.
Patients with nausea due to chemotherapy and radiation therapy; Prophylaxis of nausea and vomiting for patients after surgery; Treatment of vomiting and nausea after surgery.

4. Contraindications to the use of Ondavell

Do not use Ondavell on patients with hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.

5. Dosage and how to use Ondavell

Ondavell is administered intravenously.
Dosage for people preparing for chemotherapy and radiation: Inject 8mg (4ml) 1-2 hours before radiation or chemotherapy. Prophylaxis of postoperative nausea in adults: Ondansetron is administered orally at a dose of 16mg or by slow injection of 4mg (2ml) of Ondavell at the time of anesthesia. For children older than 2 years, a slow injection dose of 0.1mg/kg. In patients with liver failure, the maximum dose is 8mg (4ml)/day.

6. Ondavell . side effects

Side effects of Ondavell may include allergic reactions, headache, drowsiness and a feeling of heaviness in the head. Epigastric pain, transient hypertension, gastrointestinal disturbances, palpitations, elevated liver enzymes.

7. Notes when using Ondavell

Do not use Ondavell during pregnancy, unless directed and under the supervision of a doctor; Do not use Ondavell for women during lactation; Use caution when administering Ondavell to children under 2 years of age; Use with caution in cases of suspected intestinal obstruction and elderly people with impaired liver function; In people who operate machinery and drive vehicles, the effects after injection should be closely monitored. Ondavell drug with the active ingredient Ondansetron is effective in preventing nausea in patients undergoing radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery. This is a prescription drug, so the patient should not arbitrarily use it under any circumstances.

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